
Foreign Environmental Smog Chambers and Current Application Researches

  • 摘要: 概述了国外环境烟雾箱的定义、分类、壁效应、特性表征及国外环境烟雾箱及其应用研究。结果表明,国外环境烟雾箱的材料主要为Teflon FEP;室内烟雾箱体积较小但模拟条件可控性较强,室外烟雾箱体积大而模拟条件可控性较弱;多数烟雾箱的功能单一,不可移动,不能到达现场进行具有区域针对性的模拟研究,更不能开展人体暴露和建筑装饰装修材料中有害物质释放规律研究;每个环境烟雾箱都配备了先进的分析仪器如激光诱导荧光等;主要开展光化学烟雾机制机理、二次有机气溶胶的形成和新增痕量气体的大气化学行为等方面的研究。因此,建议未来我国建设的环境烟雾箱应根据不同科研目的,拓展其应用功能;制定环境烟雾箱应用研究战略,系统研究我国大气灰霾污染形成和对人体健康影响的机制机理,为我国全面防控区域大气污染的战略决策提供科学支持


    Abstract: The definition, classification, wall effects and characterization of environmental smog chambers were simply summarized, and their application researches were reviewed. It is indicated that the main material of foreign environmental smog chambers was Teflon FEP; the indoor chamber with relatively smaller volume had powerfully controlling ability of simulated conditions including light intensity, temperature and relative humidity; while the outdoor chamber with relatively larger volume was on the contrary which could fully use sun light. Most smog chambers of single function with advanced instruments such as laser induce fluorescence (LIF) were unremovable, nor applied to carry out simulated research aiming at concrete areas and nor adapted to the researches on human exposure and emission theory of decorative building materials; Applying smog chamber, the researches on photochemical smog mechanism theory, secondary organic aerosol and atmospherically chemical behavior of newly added trace gases were done. Therefore, the future environmental smoke chambers require not only the mobility in order to be suitable for indoor and outdoor atmospheric chemistry simulating experiment, but also the comprehensive functions to simulate the photochemical reaction mechanism and to research the air pollution and effects on human health to meet China carrying out researches on comprehensive simulation of atmospheric chemistry, strengthening haze, ozone formation mechanism, relationship between atmospheric pollution and population health.


