Analysis on source control of health risk in planning environmental impact assessment
Graphical Abstract
Planning environmental impact assessment (PEIA) has been one of the most important source control measures to prevent the environmental risk. However, the current practice of PEIA lacks the health risk assessment index system, and thus weaks its integrity and effectiveness greatly. Compared to the traditional four-step health risk assessment procedure, environmental planning health risk assessment (EPHRA) has more implications, which not only interacts with the environmental planning, but also owns systematic, contextual, and reverse restriction to the environmental planning. The core objective of EPHRA is to design greener, and more environmentally friendly and reasonable industrial structures and systems through scientific and systemic environmental health impact assessment. Based on the core index of health risk tolerance, it aims at providing suitable guide to the health protection by adjusting the spatial layout and the emission limitation for the risk sources through the scenario analysis of health benefit and loss and the projection of industrial development. To make up the “gap” of health index missing of EPHRA, itwas suggested that EPHRA technique should be developed as soon as possible, and EPHRA technical guidelines and specifications be promoted, so as to ensure the effective practice of the mandatory health constraints on PEIA.