Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is a place with high density of population, which makes residential security an important precondition during new urbanization. However, there are significant spatial differences in the level of regional urbanization development. The problems of city-industry mixing and “dispersed, poorly managed and polluted” enterprises are prominent. Urban human settlement environment security is facing severe challenges, and the spatial layout needs to be further optimized. The spatial relationship of city and industry was analyzed through the geographic information system, and at the same time, the sensitivity of human settlement risk with spatial information was assignment by characteristic index. The analysis found that the Beijing-Tianjin area, Beijing-Shijiazhuang line and Tangshan area were the most residential sensitive and most industrial intensive areas in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. In addition to the obvious suburbanization trend of industrial plants in the Beijing-Tianjin region, the population distribution in Tangshan and middle and south area of Hebei Province was highly overlapped with urban boundaries and industrial plant distribution space, and the relationship between industry and city was complicated. Finally, based on the analysis of the relationship between human settlement security and city-industry relationship, some suggestions for urban spatial pattern optimization and human settlement security were put forward.