
Characteristics of ozone pollution and its relationship with meteorological factors in Langfang City

  • 摘要: 利用2014—2019年廊坊市区4个环境监测站臭氧(O3)逐时监测数据和国家气象站观测资料,采用统计学方法,探讨廊坊市近地面O3超标特征及其与气象因素的关系。结果表明:廊坊市O3超标现象主要集中在5—9月,具有明显的季节分布特征;O3超标率日变化呈单峰型,O3 1 h超标率峰值出现在16:00前后,O3 8 h峰值出现在19:00前后;O3 8 h浓度与日平均气温呈正相关,与日平均海平面气压呈负相关,与日平均相对湿度和日平均风速呈非线性关系;当廊坊市日平均气温大于25 ℃,日平均相对湿度为40%~80%,主导风向为偏南和偏东风,日平均风速为0.5~2.5 m/s,日平均海平面气压低于1 010 hPa时,易出现O3超标现象;利用多元线性回归方法,建立了5—9月O3 8 h浓度预报方程,经检验该预报模型具有较好的拟合度和可预报性。


    Abstract: The over-standard characteristics of the surface O3 in Langfang City and its relationship with meteorological factors were discussed by using the hourly data of 4 environmental monitoring stations and the continuous observation data of the national meteorological station in Langfang City from 2014 to 2019 with statistical methods. The results showed that the phenomenon of O3 exceeding the standard mainly appeared from May to September and had obvious seasonal characteristics. The diurnal distribution of the over-standard rate of O3 presented a clear unimodal pattern with its peak appearing around 16:00 for O3 1 h concentration and 19:00 for O3 8 h concentration. The O3 8 h concentration was positively correlated with daily average temperature, and was negative correlated with daily mean sea level pressure, and was nonlinear correlated with daily average relative humidity and wind speed. The concentration of ozone was easy to exceed the standard in Langfang City with the daily mean temperature higher than 25 ℃, daily mean relative humidity was 40%-80%, wind direction were south and east, daily mean wind speed was 0.5-2.5 m/s and daily mean sea level pressure less than 1 010 hPa. The prediction equation of O3 8 h concentration from May to September was established by multiple linear regression method, and the results showed that the prediction model had good fitting degree and accurate predictability.


