
Analysis of virus research status in the environmental filed based on bibliometrics

  • 摘要: 为深入了解环境领域病毒研究的最新研究进展、研究热点及发展趋势,客观反映相关国家、机构和个人在该领域的科学贡献和影响,采用ISI Web of Knowledge的Web of ScienceTM核心合集数据库,利用HistCite Pro引文图谱分析软件及VOSviewer可视化分析软件,对2000—2020年该库收录的相关文献进行计量分析,从发文量排名前10的国家/地区、高产作者、来源期刊、重要研究机构、研究热点等方面对近20年环境领域病毒的研究现状进行分析。结果表明:2000—2020年环境领域病毒相关期刊发文量总体呈上升趋势,其中由于新型冠状病毒疫情的爆发,2020年环境领域病毒研究发文量激增;该领域研究发文量最多的国家是美国,其次是中国,但中国篇均被引频次较低;发文量排名前3的作者分别为美国学者Gerba C P、Sobsey M D和日本学者Katayama H;发文量排名前3的期刊分别为Water ResearchFood and Environmental VirologyEnvironmental Science & Technology;发文量排名前3的研究机构分别为亚利桑那大学、巴塞罗那大学和美国国家环境保护局;环境领域病毒研究多集中在饮用水、废水、地下水、地表水等水环境领域,研究的病毒种类集中于诺如病毒、甲肝病毒、腺病毒等肠道病毒,环境中病毒的检测和环境介质中病毒的灭活与去除是研究热点。


    Abstract: In order to deeply understand the latest research progress, hot spots and development trends of virus research in the field of environment, and to objectively reflect the scientific contribution and influence of relevant countries, institutions and individuals in this field, Web of ScienceTM core collection database of ISI Web of Knowledge was adopted, and bibliometric analysis carried out on the relevant literatures collected in the database during 2000 to 2020 using HistCite Pro citation atlas analysis software and VOSviewer analysis software. The status of virus research in the environmental field in recent 20 years was analyzed from Top10 countries (regions), high productive authors, source journals, important research institutions, and research hotspots. The results indicated that the number of papers published in journals of virus research in the environmental filed showed an increasing trend from 2000 to 2020. Particularly, the number of articles of virus research in the environmental filed increased sharply in 2020 due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus epidemic; the country with the most published papers in this field was the United States, followed by China, although the average citation frequency was low. The Top3 most productive authors were Gerba C P, Sobsey M D and Katayama H. Top3 journals in this field were Water Research, Food and Environmental Virology and Environmental Science & Technology. The University of Arizona, the University of Barcelona and the US Environmental Protection Agency were among the Top3 institutions with the most publications in this research area. Keywords analysis found that most research focused on the field of water environment, including drinking water, wastewater, groundwater and surface water, etc, and the main viruses studied were norovirus, hepatitis A virus, adenovirus and other enterovirus. Detection of virus in environment and inactivation and removal of virus in environment media were hot topics of virus research in the environmental filed.


