
Study on the efficacy of micron zero-valent iron on phosphate removal and its mechanism

  • 摘要: 为探究微米零价铁除磷效果与机理,首先考察了水化学条件对微米零价铁除磷效果的影响;其次研究了微米零价铁对磷的去除效果以及酸盐磷在磁性固体和悬浮固体中的动态分配情况,并通过监测不同浓度反应体系中理化参数(pH、DO、ORP)的变化,进一步分析了体系中的反应过程;最后通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)等表征手段对反应产物进行了分析。结果表明:较低pH能显著提高微米零价铁的反应活性,加快磷的去除;离子强度的增加可加快反应速率; AsO 4 3 - SiO 3 2 -对微米零价铁除磷具有明显的抑制作用, SO 4 2 -影响很小,而 NO 3 - CO 3 2 -有一定的促进作用。被去除的磷酸盐在反应产物磁性固体和悬浮固体中的浓度接近。SEM分析表明,有磷条件与无磷条件下反应产物固体表面形貌具有明显区别。XPS分析表明,微米零价铁除磷过程中主要生成了Fe2+铁和Fe3+。1,10-菲啰啉掩蔽试验结果表明,磷酸盐与Fe2+结合是微米零价铁除磷的主要途径。XRD分析发现生成了H2FeP2O7,说明微米零价铁除磷存在沉淀作用。


    Abstract: In order to study the effect and its mechanism of phosphate removal by micron zero-valent iron (mZVI), some important water chemistry parameters which affected the removal efficiency of phosphate were investigated firstly. Then, the phosphate removal efficiency by mZVI and the dynamics distribution of phosphate in the corrosion products of mZVI including magnetic iron oxide and suspended iron oxide were studied, and the changes of physical and chemical parameters (pH, DO, ORP) during the reaction process were monitored and the reaction process in the system further analyzed. Finally, the reaction products were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) and other characterization methods. The results showed that lower pH could significantly increase the reactivity of mZVI and accelerate the removal of phosphate. The increase of ionic intensity could accelerate the reaction rate of mZVI. AsO 4 3 - and SiO 3 2 - had a significantly inhibitory effect on the phosphate removal, while NO 3 - and CO 3 2 - were the opposite and SO 4 2 - had little effect on it. The content of the removed phosphate in the magnetic solid was equivalent to that in the suspended solid. SEM analysis of the reaction product showed that the morphology of the solid surface under the phosphate and non-phosphate conditions was different. XPS analysis indicated that Fe2+ and Fe3+ were mainly produced on the phosphate removal by mZVI. The 1,10-phenanthroline masking experiment evidenced that the combination of phosphate and Fe2+was the main way to remove phosphate by mZVI. The XRD results showed that phosphate precipitated with Fe2+ as H2FeP2O7, which proved that precipitation existed during phosphate removal by mZVI.


