
Water ecological health assessment based on the biological integrity of macroinvertebrate: a case from Liaohe River Basin

  • 摘要: 大型底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)在国际水生态健康评价中应用广泛,但需要结合各流域生态环境特征分别构建。以辽河流域为例,以流域99个点位水生态调查数据为基础,综合运用水质和生境质量作为参照点与受损点筛选标准,通过分布范围检验、判别能力检验和冗余性检验获得B-IBI核心参数,利用比值法进行核心参数标准化,等权求和计算B-IBI得分,最终构建适用于辽河流域的B-IBI评价体系。结果表明:辽河流域大型底栖动物包含74个分类单元,以昆虫纲为主(占总分类单元数的81.1%),个体数量最优势物种为缺尾高原纹石蛾(Hydropsyche kozhantschikovi);经筛选获得5个参照点和6个受损点,从28个备选参数中筛选出总分类单元数、毛翅目分类单元数、端足目+软体动物分类单元数、直接收集者相对丰度、黏附者分类单元数、Pielou均匀度指数6个核心参数用于计算B-IBI;B-IBI评价发现,调查时段的数据集中,4个点位处于健康等级,15个点位为亚健康等级,25个点位为一般等级,41个点位为差等级,14个点位为极差等级,流域水生态健康整体水平较差,超过1/2河段存在大型底栖动物群落结构退化现象。检验分析发现,B-IBI对水质变化具有较好的指示作用,且能有效区分出受损河段,表明B-IBI评价体系能准确表征辽河流域水生态健康状况,建议今后管理中作为辽河流域生物评价工具。


    Abstract: The benthic index of biological integrity (B-IBI) is widely used for river ecological health assessment all over the world. However, this index should be constructed separately according to the ecological environmental characteristics of each river basin. In this study, the Liaohe River Basin was taken as an example, the data of macroinvertebrates of 99 sites in Liaohe River Basin was used to calculate to B-IBI. Water quality and habitat quality were comprehensively used as the selection criteria for reference sites and impacted sites. The distribution range test, discriminant ability test and redundancy test were used to screen the core metrics of B-IBI. The ratio method was used to standardize the core metrics and add up to calculate B-IBI. The results showed that a total of 74 taxa of macroinvertebrates were found, and the dominant taxon was Insecta (accounting for 81.1% of the total taxa). The most dominant species was Hydropsyche kozhantschikovi. Five reference sites and six impacted sites were obtained after screening. Six core metrics including the number of total taxa, the taxa number of Trichoptera, the taxa number of Amphipoda and Mollusca, the relative abundance of direct collectors, the number of adherent taxa, and the Pielou evenness index, were selected from 28 candidate metrics. The evaluation results of B-IBI showed that 4 sites were in health grade, 15 sites in sub-health grade, 25 sites in normal grade, 41 sites in poor grade, 14 sites in bad grade, and the whole health level of Liaohe River Basin was poor in the survey period. The macroinvertebrate community was impacted in more than half of the sampling sites. B-IBI showed a good indicating ability for the change of water quality in Liaohe River Basin, and effectively distinguish damaged sections of the river. It was suggested that B-IBI could be used as a bioassessment tool for the river basin management in future.


