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张晓亮 王洪波 杨芳 王思宇 郭晓娅 冯慧娟

张晓亮,王洪波,杨芳,等.山东省平度市农村黑臭水体DOM三维荧光光谱的平行因子分析[J].环境工程技术学报,2022,12(3):651-659 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210488
引用本文: 张晓亮,王洪波,杨芳,等.山东省平度市农村黑臭水体DOM三维荧光光谱的平行因子分析[J].环境工程技术学报,2022,12(3):651-659 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210488
ZHANG X L,WANG H B,YANG F,et al.Parallel factor analysis with three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy on dissolved organic matter of rural black and odorous water bodies in Pingdu City of Shandong Province[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2022,12(3):651-659 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210488
Citation: ZHANG X L,WANG H B,YANG F,et al.Parallel factor analysis with three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy on dissolved organic matter of rural black and odorous water bodies in Pingdu City of Shandong Province[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2022,12(3):651-659 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210488


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210488
基金项目: 生态环境部业务专项(22110402001001)




  • 中图分类号: X52

Parallel factor analysis with three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy on dissolved organic matter of rural black and odorous water bodies in Pingdu City of Shandong Province

  • 摘要:



  • 图  1  研究区16个黑臭采样点位置示意

    Figure  1.  Sampling sites of 16 black and odorous water bodies in the research area

    图  2  三维荧光光谱不同组分数激发光谱和发射光谱的残差平方和

    Figure  2.  Sum of the squares of excitation spectrum and emission spectrum residuals of the different fractions of three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy

    3  PARAFAC技术提取出各采样点水体DOM的6个荧光组分

    3.  Six fluorescence components extracted by PARAFAC of DOM in water bodies at each sampling point

    3  PARAFAC技术提取出各采样点水体DOM的6个荧光组分(续)

    3.  Six fluorescence components extracted by PARAFAC of DOM in water bodies at each sampling point (continued)

    图  4  各采样点水体DOM荧光组分的Fmax及相对占比

    Figure  4.  Maximum fluorescence intensity (Fmax ) and relative proportion of DOM fluorescence components in water bodies at each sampling point

    图  5  16个采样点水体中DOM的4种荧光参数

    Figure  5.  Four fluorescence parameters of DOM in water bodies at 16 sampling points

    图  6  16个采样点DOM荧光组分的聚类分析

    Figure  6.  Cluster analysis of DOM fluorescence compents at 16 sampling points

    表  1  水体中DOM的6个荧光组分的特征

    Table  1.   Characteristics of the six fluorescent components of DOM in water

    C1 类色氨酸 T1峰 275 340~350 280 330 270~290 320~370[18]
    C2 类腐殖质 M峰 290~310 370~420 315 400 300~320 380~420[19]
    C3 与浮游生物活动相关产物 N峰 280 375 280 370 280 370[20]
    C4 类胡敏酸 F峰 350~440 430~510 360 465 310~360 370~480[21]
    C5 类富里酸 A峰 230~260 380~460 255 435 230~255 400~460[17]
    C6 类色氨酸 T2峰 225~230 340~350 225 345 225 340[22]
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  荧光组分与荧光参数的相关系数

    Table  2.   Correlation analysis between fluorescence parameters and fluorescent components

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