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张妍妍 王峥 邱斌 孙德智

张妍妍,王峥,邱斌,等.长江流域湖北片区典型城市水生态环境问题解析及整治对策[J].环境工程技术学报,2023,13(1):27-35 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210699
引用本文: 张妍妍,王峥,邱斌,等.长江流域湖北片区典型城市水生态环境问题解析及整治对策[J].环境工程技术学报,2023,13(1):27-35 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210699
ZHANG Y Y,WANG Z,QIU B,et al.Analysis of water eco-environmental problems and related countermeasures for typical cities in Hubei region of the Yangtze River Basin[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2023,13(1):27-35 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210699
Citation: ZHANG Y Y,WANG Z,QIU B,et al.Analysis of water eco-environmental problems and related countermeasures for typical cities in Hubei region of the Yangtze River Basin[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2023,13(1):27-35 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210699


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20210699
基金项目: 国家长江生态环境保护修复联合研究项目(第一期)(2021-长江项目-001-W-004)




  • 中图分类号: X522

Analysis of water eco-environmental problems and related countermeasures for typical cities in Hubei region of the Yangtze River Basin

  • 摘要:



  • 图  1  研究区行政区划与水系

    Figure  1.  Administrative division and water system in the study area

    图  2  2016—2020年研究区内河流和湖泊省控及以上断面水质类别

    Figure  2.  Water quality category of rivers and lakes under provincial control and above sections in the study area from 2016 to 2020

    图  3  研究区内各城市3类污染源负荷占比

    Figure  3.  Load proportion of three types of pollution sources in each city in the study area

    图  4  2020年研究区内各城市管网密度及污水处理厂运行负荷率

    Figure  4.  Density of pipe networks and operating load rate of sewage treatment plants in each city in the study area in 2020

    图  5  2019年研究区内降水量及优于Ⅲ类水质断面数量占比

    Figure  5.  Precipitation and proportion of water quality sections superior to Class Ⅲ in the study area in 2019

    图  6  2019年研究区内各城市人均水资源量

    Figure  6.  Per capita water resources of each city in the study area in 2019

    图  7  2020年研究区内各城市人均日生活用水量及万元工业增加值用水量

    Figure  7.  Per capita domestic water consumption and water consumption per 10 000 yuan of industrial added value in the study area in 2020

    表  1  研究区内城市3类污染源的污染物排放量

    Table  1.   Pollutant discharge of three types of urban pollution sources in the study area t/a 

    生活源235 058.1428 100.2747 783.814 624.55
    工业源48 143.055 713.549 713.54501.08
    面源58 724.542 880.635 526.64622.32
    合计341 925.7336 694.4463 023.995 747.95
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    表  2  2019年研究区内各城市工业废水排放量及主要行业类型

    Table  2.   Industrial wastewater discharge and main types of industries of each city in the study area in 2019 万t/a 

    武汉 19 733 光电子、建材、汽车及机械装备
    黄石 11 479 建材、有色金属、磷矿
    襄阳 23 978 化工、汽车、医药
    荆州 21 295 化工、汽车零件
    宜昌 22 859 磷化工、食品生物医药
    黄冈 18 372 化工、建筑建材
    鄂州 6 847 钢材、服装
    十堰 11 027 汽车机械、化工
    孝感 10 179 汽车机电、盐磷化工
    荆门 17 749 “三磷”企业、机械电子
    咸宁 17 623 冶金建材、食品饮料
    随州 6 758 汽车机械、农产品加工
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