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方衡鑫 胡钧 张立娟

方衡鑫,胡钧,张立娟.固液界面纳米气层研究进展[J].环境工程技术学报,2022,12(4):1298-1309 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20220252
引用本文: 方衡鑫,胡钧,张立娟.固液界面纳米气层研究进展[J].环境工程技术学报,2022,12(4):1298-1309 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20220252
FANG H X,HU J,ZHANG L J.Research advances in nano gas layers at the solid-liquid interface[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2022,12(4):1298-1309 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20220252
Citation: FANG H X,HU J,ZHANG L J.Research advances in nano gas layers at the solid-liquid interface[J].Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology,2022,12(4):1298-1309 doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20220252


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20220252
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11874379,12005284)




  • 中图分类号: X13

Research advances in nano gas layers at the solid-liquid interface

  • 摘要:



  • 图  1  石墨表面纳米气层及纳米气泡与气层共存物[4]

    Figure  1.  Nano gas layer on graphite surface and coexistence of nano bubble and gas layer

    图  2  醇水替换前后探针与样品相互作用力曲线及示意[14]

    Figure  2.  Force curves and schematics of the tip interacted with samples before and after the ethanol-water exchange

    图  3  含气量不同的水中探针靠近石墨表面过程中的力梯度与能量耗散[16]

    Figure  3.  The conservative force gradients and energy dissipation during the tip approach to the HOPG surface in water with different gas saturation

    图  4  石墨材料HOPG表面纳米气泡与纳米气层的硬度信息[21]

    Figure  4.  Stiffness image of nanobubbles and nano gas layer on the HOPG surface

    图  5  石墨表面纳米气层逐渐演变成纳米气泡过程[23]

    Figure  5.  The transformation from nano gas layers to nanobubbles on the HOPG surface

    图  6  加热冷却过程中界面气态共存物的2种动态平衡演变 [24]

    Figure  6.  Two evolutions of dynamic equilibrium of the interfacial gas coexistence during heating and cooling

    图  7  探针扰动界面气态结构(蓝色框内)对周边未受干扰的气态结构造成影响[34]

    Figure  7.  Effects of the gas domains violently disturbed by the tip on their undisturbed neighbors

    图  8  塑料注射器进行替换后石墨表面产生的层状物[37]

    Figure  8.  The layers formed on the graphite surface after the exchange used plastic syringes

    图  9  使用玻璃注射器注入气体过饱和水生成可用脱气水去除的纳米气层[41]

    Figure  9.  The removable nano gas layers were produced by using glass syringes to inject gas supersaturated water

    图  10  模拟20与50 ℃时亲水、疏水界面上的气层形态及单位面积气流量[45]

    Figure  10.  The calculated shape and gas flux per unit area of nano gas layers on the hydrophilic or hydrophobic surface at 20 and 50 ℃

    图  11  醇水替换后HOPG表面产生的多重气层[42]

    Figure  11.  Multiple gas layers on the HOPG surface after the ethanol-water exchange

    表  1  不同基底材料表面接触角与界面气态结构形成情况[18-20]

    Table  1.   Formation of interfacial gaseous states and contact angles of different substrates

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