
Carbon emission accounting and impact assessment of water and energy consumption at a community scale

  • 摘要: 居民社区用水用能的碳排放与行为选择和技术水平有关,且随时间波动性强。通过智能监测、实地调研、问卷调查等多种方法,自下而上构建了涵盖居民社区水能消费行为和基础设施相关的碳排放核算方法并评估其影响。通过对北京市海淀区某社区的案例研究发现,该社区夏季、春秋季、冬季碳排放量分别为18.2~20.8、19.3~21.5、58.5~63.8 t/d(以二氧化碳计),不同季节周末日均碳排放量约为工作日的1.0~1.2倍,由于采暖等因素造成冬季碳排放是其他三季的3.0~3.1倍。从全年来看,社区基础设施端共排放二氧化碳6.98×103 t/a,居民消费端排放4.94×103 t/a,占比分别为58.7%和41.3%;案例社区的温室气体核算体系范围1(能源直接碳排放,即气耗)碳排放量为8.98×103 t/a,范围2(能源间接碳排放,即电耗和水耗)碳排放量为2.92×103 t/a,占比分别为75.4%和24.6%。研究结果表明,推动燃气设备等基础设施升级改造、倡导居民生活器具和行为方式节能化等途径是推动居民社区减碳和绿色低碳转型的重要手段。


    Abstract: The carbon emissions of residents' water and energy use are related to their behaviour choice and technology level. The emissions also fluctuate greatly over time. Through intelligent monitoring, field research, questionnaires and other methods, a bottom-up carbon emission accounting method was developed, and its impact was assessed from the perspective of community infrastructure and residential water and energy consumption. A community in Haidian District, Beijing, was selected as a case in this study. The total carbon emission of this community was 18.2-20.8, 19.3-21.5, and 58.5-63.8 t/d in terms of CO2 in summer, spring/autumn and winter, respectively. The average daily carbon emission of residential consumption on weekend was 1.0-1.2 times that of weekday.


