
Study on the characteristics and causes of groundwater pollution in coal gangue dumps

  • 摘要: 选择山西太原典型矿矸石堆场,采集自燃程度不同的煤矸石及其周边受污染地下水,测定其中重金属、无机盐和有机物组成与浓度,并基于统计学分析探究地下水污染来源。结果显示:矸石浸提液和堆场下山腰自流出的地下水,重金属Cd、Pb、As、Zn未污染,但Cr和Ni达到轻度污染;浸提液SO4 2−、Fe、Mn浓度较高,SO4 2−浓度高达5 982 mg/L,Fe浓度超过GB/T 14848—93《地下水质量标准》Ⅳ类标准限值1 081倍、Mn超标19倍。污染源解析显示,矸石堆场自流出的地下水Na+、K+、Cl、NO3 主要来自土壤和含水层介质,但SO4 2−、Fe、Mn、Cd、Zn、As、Cr、Ni主要来源于矸石浸出;不同的煤矸石污染浸出能力表现为正在自燃的矸石>自燃完全的矸石>新鲜矸石。矸石的自燃过程会强化污染物的释放,在矸石渗滤液迁移过程中,重金属污染快速衰减,但SO4 2−、Ni、Mn仍具有一定的风险,超过GB/T 14848—93Ⅳ类标准。


    Abstract: The stock of coal gangue in China is large, and it still increases rapidly, posing a high risk on the environment. However, the effect of the self-ignition degree of coal gangue on the release of leachates pollutant is unclear, and the information on the natural attenuation of these leachate pollutants is limited. The coal gangue with different self-ignition degrees and the contaminated groundwater were collected from a typical coal gangue dump site in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. The composition and concentration of heavy metals, inorganic salts and organic compounds in coal gangue and groundwater were investigated, and the sources of groundwater pollution were explored based on statistical analysis. The results showed that the gangue extracts and groundwater flowing from the mountainside below the gangue dump were not contaminated by Cd, Pb, As, and Zn, though they had been lightly polluted by Cr and Ni. The concentrations of SO4 2−, Fe, and Mn were high in the extracts, with SO4 2− concentration of 5 982 mg/L and Fe and Mn concentrations of 1 081 and 19 times higher than the groundwater Ⅳ quality standard specified in Quality Standard for Ground (GB/T 14848-93), respectively. According to the pollution source analysis, it could be obtained that Na+, K+, Cl and NO3 in groundwater near the gangue dump sites mainly originated from soil and aquifer medium, while SO4 2−, Fe, Mn, Cd, Zn, As, Cr, and Ni were mainly released from gangue leaching. The pollution release of the coal gangue with different self-ignition degrees was as follows: burning gangue > burned gangue > fresh gangue. The self-ignition of coal gangue contributed to the release of pollution. Natural attenuation of heavy metal significantly occurred during the migration process of gangue leachates. However, the concentration of SO4 2−, Ni, and Mn still had certain risks, exceeding Class Ⅳ groundwater standard specified in GB/T 14848-93.


