
Carbon emission reduction potential of municipal solid waste treatment and disposal at different management stages: a case study of Xiamen City

  • 摘要: 我国快速城市化带来了大量的城市生活垃圾。为了破解“垃圾围城”的普遍性难题,我国不断完善生活垃圾管理体系,经历了以填埋为主的无害化、以焚烧为主的无害化和减量化、垃圾强制分类在全国主要城市的全面推广、分类垃圾综合处理处置等不同发展阶段。以厦门市为例,分析不同生活垃圾管理阶段的碳排放特征。结果表明:厦门市2000—2009年(无害化阶段)的碳排放总量由25.49万t直线上升至76.38万t,年均增长13.19%;2010—2016年(无害化和减量化阶段)由于填埋气收集效率提升和持续推进垃圾焚烧减量,吨垃圾碳排放强度逐年下降,但排放总量仍然从27.95万t增长至49.30万t;2017年至今全市推行垃圾四分类并开展餐厨垃圾分类和低值可回收物试点,碳排放强度从324.74 kg/t下降至178.11 kg/t,其中每分出1 t厨余垃圾、可回收物、餐厨垃圾和低值可回收物,碳排放分别减少5.69、302.58~328.75、83.19、884.66 kg。未来,随着低值可回收物分类和再生资源中心建设的推广,生活垃圾碳排放总量和强度将进一步降低,推动城市绿色低碳发展。


    Abstract: The rapid urbanization has generated a large amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) in China. In order to address the universal issue of garbage siege, China continues to improve the MSW management system. It has undergone different stages of development, such as landfill-based harmlessness, incineration-based harmlessness and reduction, comprehensive promotion of compulsory classification of garbage in major cities, and the comprehensive treatment and disposal of classified garbage. Taking Xiamen City as an example, the carbon emissions and characteristics of different MSW management stages were studied and analyzed. The results showed that the total amount of carbon emissions in Xiamen from 2000 to 2009 (harmlessness stage) increased from 254 900 t to 763 800 t, with an average annual growth of 13.19%. From 2010 to 2016 (harmlessness and reduction stage), the carbon emission intensity per ton of waste decreased each year due to the improvement of landfill gas collection efficiency and the continuous promotion of waste incineration reduction. However, the total emissions still increased from 279 500 t to 493 000 t. Since 2017, the city has implemented the four classifications of garbage, carried out the classification of kitchen waste, and built a pilot project for low-value recyclables. The carbon emission intensity has decreased from 324.74 kg/t to 178.11 kg/t, and the carbon emissions per ton of food waste, recyclables, kitchen waste and low-value recyclables were reduced by 5.69, 302.58-328.75, 83.19, and 884.66 kg, respectively. In the future, with the promotion of low-value recyclables classification and the construction of renewable resource centers, the carbon emission intensity and total amount of domestic waste will be further reduced, promoting the city's green and low-carbon development.


