
Analysis of inluencing factors of farmland mulch film residue in Xinjiang

  • 摘要: 为阐明新疆农田土壤残膜污染现状及影响因素,对南北疆典型区域进行抽样检测,分析不同地区覆膜作物的地膜残留状况及其影响因素。结果显示:按作物类型分,6种覆膜作物(棉花、加工番茄、瓜类、玉米、蔬菜、向日葵)中棉花地膜残留量最大,为129.34 kg/hm2,蔬菜最小,为71.85 kg/hm2;按地区分,阿克苏地区地膜残留量最大,为145.76 kg/km2,塔城地区地膜残留量最小,为92.71 kg/hm2。覆膜年限低于15 a,农田地膜残留量与覆膜年限呈正相关,覆膜年限为15~25 a,地膜残留量呈先减少后增加的趋势。农田耕层0~30 cm地膜残留量随地膜厚度减小而增加,0~20和20~30 cm的土层无显著变化规律。全疆0~30 cm的土层,地膜残留量砂土区(184.55 kg/km2)分别是壤土区(135.63 kg/km2)和黏土区(124.25 kg/km2)的1.36倍(P˃0.05)和1.49倍(P<0.05),壤土区与黏土区间差异不显著。农田距离村庄越远,地膜残留量越小。地膜残留量与作物类型、区域、覆膜年限、回收方式、地膜厚度、土壤质地、与村庄距离有关,且覆膜年限和回收方式是影响农田地膜残留量的主要因素。


    Abstract: In order to clarify the current situation and influencing factors of farmland mulch film residue in Xinjiang, samples were taken from typical areas in the north and south of Xinjiang to test and analyze the mulch film residual situation and its influencing factors of film-mulched crops in different regions. The results showed that among the six types of mulch film-covered crops (cotton, processed tomatoes, melons, corn, vegetables, and sunflowers), cotton had the highest residue of mulch film at 129.34 kg/hm2, while vegetables had the lowest residue at 71.85 kg/hm2. By region, the residual amount of film in Aksu area (145.76 kg/km2) was the highest, and that in Tacheng area (92.71 kg/km2) was the lowest. During the first 15 years, the residual amount of film in farmland was positively correlated with the years of mulching. During the 15 to 25 years of mulching, the residual amount of film first decreased and then increased. The residual amount of film in the 0-30 cm layer increased with the decrease of the film thickness, while there was no significant difference in the 0-20 cm and 20-30 cm layers. For the entire 0-30 cm soil layer zone in Xinjiang, the amount of residual film in the sandy soil zone (184.55 kg/km2) was 1.36 times (P˃0.05 ) and 1.49 times (P<0.05 ) as much as that in the loamy soil zone (135.63 kg/km2) and clay soil zone (124.25 kg/km2), respectively, and the difference between the loamy soil zone and clay soil zone was not significant. The further the farmland was from the village, the smaller the residual amount of film was. The residual amount of film was related to crop type, region, mulching year, recycling method, mulch thickness, soil texture and distance from village. The mulching year and recycling method were the main factors affecting the residual amount of farmland mulch film.


