
Impacts of diffusion capacity on ozone formation during high temperature period in June 2022 over Henan Province

  • 摘要: 为研究河南省高温期间低层大气的扩散条件以及其对臭氧污染形成的影响,利用2022年6月河南省18个地级市的地面观测资料、再分析气象数据和卫星数据,以及郑州观测站的气溶胶、臭氧激光雷达探测数据和探空气象资料,通过分析高温期间大气扩散和臭氧生成特征,探讨扩散条件对臭氧生成的影响。结果表明:1)2022年6月河南省在高压脊持续控制下,地面气温为全国同期最高,并出现40 ℃以上的极端高温,加上较强的紫外辐射,全省处于有利于臭氧生成的气象条件下。2)全省共发生4次区域性臭氧污染,城市日臭氧超标率达66.7%,超标日日最大8 h臭氧平均浓度为160~215 μg/m³,以轻度污染为主,最高达284 μg/m³(重度污染水平),没有城市出现臭氧严重污染。3)尽管处于持续性的稳定结构和高温控制下,臭氧污染日的边界层扩散条件较好,边界层高度最高在3 km以上,午后地面风速升至4 m/s以上。4)在较好的扩散条件下,污染物在较大的空间范围内扩散,充分稀释后进行光化学反应,并未造成较高的臭氧浓度水平,即使在6月16日和17日40 ℃以上的极端高温条件下,臭氧污染水平并未显著升高。


    Abstract: To investigate the diffusion capacity in the lower atmosphere during the high-temperature period in Henan Province and the impacts on ozone formation, surface meteorology data, reanalysis meteorological data and satellite data from 18 prefecture-level cities in Henan Province, as well as aerosol and ozone LIDAR detection data and radiosonde meteorological data from Zhengzhou observation station during June 2022 were used for analysis. The results showed that: (1)Under the persistent control of high pressure ridge, the highest surface temperatures nationwide occurred over Henan Province experienced in June 2022, with the extreme high exceeding 40 ℃. Coupled with intense ultraviolet radiation, it was in favorable conditions for ozone formation. (2) 4 regional ozone pollution cases occurred in June 2022, with approximately 66.7% cities exceeding the daily ozone standard. The maximum 8-hour average concentration of ozone on exceedance days ranged between 160 and 215 μg/m³, which were dominated by light pollution level. The highest it reached was 284 μg/m³, the severe pollution level. And, no city experienced the extreme severe level of ozone pollution. (3) Although controlled by the persistent of stable structure and high-temperature, the diffusion capacity in boundary layer were strong during ozone pollution days. The boundary layer height reached above 3 km. The surface wind speeds increased up to over 4 m/s in the afternoon. (4) With the strong diffusion capacity, pollutants spread over large space, where photochemistry occurred after the sufficient dilution. Thereby, no strong ozone formation occurred. The study showed that even in the extremely hot days with temperatures exceeding 40 ℃, as in June 16th and 17th 2022, the ozone pollution levels did not increase significantly as expected.


