
A study on characteristics and causes of flood season water pollution in a plain river network area based on grid online monitoring of water quality

  • 摘要: 汛期污染是制约我国水环境质量改善的重要因素。基于26个水质自动监测站的数据,研究了太湖流域典型平原河网区城市平湖市的河网水质时空变化和汛期污染特征,通过相关性分析锁定重点控制区域,探究不同特征降雨对重点控制区域地表水水质影响,并使用绝对主成分-多元线性回归受体模型(APCS-MLR)结合现场调研解析了重点控制区域汛期污染成因。结果表明:平湖市河网在汛期水质下降明显,东湖及其入/出湖河流水质综合污染指数比非汛期高出35.8%~67.9%,溶解氧和总磷(TP)是主要不达标因子。东湖入湖河流平湖塘中段是整个平湖河网汛期水污染控制核心区域,其氨氮和TP浓度受降雨影响大,水质下降后直接影响东湖水质(r=0.464,P<0.01),间接影响各出湖河流水质(r>0.445,P<0.01)。从降雨特征来看,场次降水量对平湖塘氨氮和TP影响最为显著(r>0.695,P<0.01),其次是降雨持续天数和降雨类型(r>0.514,P<0.05),而雨前干旱天数影响不显著(r<0.245)。污染成因解析表明,降雨时段平湖塘氨氮和TP浓度升高,主要与生活污水溢出(贡献率25.7%)、地表径流污染(贡献率24.9%)以及底泥或管网沉积物等未知污染因素(贡献率40.0%)有关,个别泵站设计规模偏小且科学调度不足,导致生活污水溢流排放是最主要的污染途径。研究结果对汛期河网水质提升的精准施策具有重要参考意义。


    Abstract: Water pollution during the flood season has become an important factor restricting the improvement of water environment quality in China. The spatiotemporal changes and flood season pollution characteristics of surface water quality in Pinghu, a typical plain river network city in the Taihu basin, were studied based on the data from 26 automatic water quality monitoring stations. The key pollution control area was identified through correlation analysis, and the impact of different rainfall characteristics on surface water quality in the key control area was explored. In addition, the causes of pollution during the flood season in the key control area were analyzed using the absolute principal component-multivariate linear regression (APCS-MLR) model combined with field investigation. The results showed that the water quality of the river network in Pinghu City deteriorated significantly during the flood season. The comprehensive pollution indices of East Lake and its inflow and outflow rivers were 35.8%-67.9% higher than those during the nonflood season, and dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus (TP) were the principal over-standard indices. The middle section of the Pinghutang River, a river flowing into East Lake, was the core area for pollution control during the flood season of the entire river network in Pinghu City. The concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and TP in the Pinghutang River were greatly affected by rainfall. The decline in the Pinghutang River's water quality directly impacted East Lake (r=0.464, P<0.01) and indirectly affected downstream rivers (r>0.445, P<0.01). In terms of rainfall characteristics, rainfall amount had the most significant effect on ammonia nitrogen and TP in Pinghutang River (r>0.695, P<0.01), followed by the number of days of rainfall duration and the type of rainfall (r> 0.514, P<0.05). In contrast, the number of dry days before rainfall had no significant effect (r<0.245). The APCS-MLR analysis revealed that the increase in ammonia nitrogen and TP concentrations in the Pinghutang River during rainfall was mainly attributed to domestic sewage overflow (25.7%) and surface runoff pollution (24.9%). In addition to known factors, unknown sources, including river sediment or pipe network sediment, accounted for 40.0%. Due to the small design scale of some pumping stations and the lack of scientific scheduling, domestic sewage overflow was the primary cause of river pollution. The results from this study have important implications for the precise policy of water quality improvement in the river network during the flood season.


