
Mobile source emission inventory and its spatial-temporal distribution characteristics in Altay City

  • 摘要: 通过“自上而下”调查方式获取移动源活动水平,采用排放因子法建立了阿勒泰市移动源排放清单,并进行移动源排放的时空特征分析和清单不确定性分析。结果表明,2021年阿勒泰市移动源9种大气污染物排放总量,CO为669.12 t,NOx为617.92 t,SO2为29.85 t,NH3为32.61 t,VOCs为136.35 t,PM2.5为35.74 t,PM10为38.06 t,BC为20.33 t,OC为6.41 t。其中,CO、SO2、NH3、VOCs主要来源于载客汽车,贡献率均超过40%;NOx主要来源于农业机械和载货汽车,贡献率均超过30%;PM2.5、PM10、BC、OC主要来源于农业机械,贡献率均超过75%。时空分布特征表现为6—8月排放量最高,人口密集的市区排放量高于其他区域。移动源9种污染物排放清单不确定性均在−39.23%~56.27%以内,本清单计算结果相对可靠。


    Abstract: The activity level of mobile sources in Altay City was obtained by top-down investigation, the emission factor method was used to establish the mobile source emission inventory, and the temporal and spatial characteristics of mobile source emissions and inventory uncertainty analysis were carried out. The results showed that the total emissions of pollutants from mobile sources in Altay City in 2021 were CO 669.12 t, NOx 617.92 t, SO2 29.85 t, NH3 32.61 t, VOCs 136.35 t, PM2.5 35.74 t, PM10 38.06 t, BC 20.33 t, OC 6.41 t, respectively. Among them, CO, SO2, NH3 and VOCs mainly came from passenger vehicles, contributing more than 40%; NOx mainly from agricultural machinery and trucks, contributing more than 30%; PM2.5, PM10, BC, OC mainly from agricultural machinery, contributing more than 75%. The spatial-temporal distribution characteristics showed that the emission was the highest from June to August, and the emission in densely populated urban areas was relatively higher than that in other regions. The uncertainty of the emission inventory of 9 pollutants from mobile sources was −39.23%-56.27%, and the calculation results of this inventory were relatively reliable.


