
Characteristics of PPCPs pollution and ecological risk assessment in the Ningxia section mainstream of the Yellow river

  • 摘要: 药品和个人护理品(PPCPs)是一系列新污染物的总称,对生态环境和人体健康存在较高风险。为探究PPCPs在高含沙河流中的时空分布特征及生态风险,于2023年4—9月利用液质联用技术连续对55种PPCPs目标物进行监测,探究了黄河宁夏段干流中PPCPs的时空分布特征并对其进行了风险评价。结果显示,黄河宁夏段干流中共检出5类17种PPCPs〔(34.55~248.08) ng/L〕,包括磺胺类抗生素、喹诺酮类抗生素、大环内酯类抗生素、酰胺醇类抗生素和其他药物。可检出的抗生素以磺胺类抗生素为主〔(10.34±6.04) ng/L〕。其他药物以咖啡因(CAF)为主〔(74.84±40.42) ng/L〕。PPCPs平均浓度从上游至下游呈现先降低后升高再降低的趋势。4月份PPCPs平均浓度显著高于其他月份〔(159.27±52.17) ng/L〕。生态风险评估结果表明黄河宁夏段水体中PPCPs总体呈现低生态风险,主要污染物生态风险等级存在显著的时间差异。CAF是黄河宁夏段干流水环境中PPCPs的主要组成部分,是联合风险熵值的主要贡献者(62.14%~76.05%)。未来关于黄河干流PPCPs的监测、管理和预警,应重点关注CAF的浓度变化及溯源。


    Abstract: Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are a collective term for various emerging pollutants that pose potential risks to the ecological environment and human health. To investigate the pollution characteristics and ecological risks of PPCPs in rivers, this study continuously monitored 55 target PPCPs in the mainstream water of the Ningxia section of the Yellow River from April to September 2023. The results showed that a total of 17 PPCPs (34.55-248.08 ng/L) in 5 classes were detected in the Ningxia Section of the Yellow River, including sulfonamides, quinolones, macrolides, amino alcohols and other drugs. The main antibiotics detected were sulfonamides (10.34±6.04 ng/L). Other drugs were mainly caffeine (CAF, 74.84±40.42 ng/L). The average concentration of PPCPs decreased first, then increased and decreased from upstream to downstream. The average concentration of PPCPs in April was significantly higher than in other months (159.27±52.17 ng/L). The ecological risk assessment results showed that the PPCPs in the Ningxia section of the Yellow River showed low ecological risk. There were significant time differences in the ecological risk levels of major pollutants. CAF is the main component of PPCPs and the main contributor of RQsum (62.14%-76.05%) in the water environment of Ningxia mainstream of the Yellow River. In the future, the monitoring, management and early warning of PPCPs in the Yellow River should focus on the CAF concentration and its source.


