
Measurement and spatiotemporal differences of green development level of textile industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt

  • 摘要: 长江经济带贡献了中国50%以上的纺织业生产总值,纺织业作为民生基础性行业和生态环境保护的重点行业,其实现绿色发展具有重要的现实意义。从创新驱动、产业发展、环境治理3个维度构建纺织业绿色发展评价体系,采用主成分分析-TOPSIS方法量化评价了2012—2021年长江经济带及其各省(市)的纺织业绿色发展水平,选用Dagum基尼系数法分析了地区差异、差异来源和时空分布特征。研究表明:从时序变化看,长江经济带纺织业绿色发展水平呈现“上升—平稳—上升”的三阶段变化特征,纺织业绿色发展指数由0.425增至0.681。从地区差异看,长江经济带纺织业绿色发展水平分异特征显著,省(市)间总体差异测度期内有所下降。湖北综合表现最优,云南、贵州尚有一定差距。长三角地区、长江中游地区纺织业绿色发展水平高于泛成渝地区,区域间差异是总体差异的主要影响来源,且该影响趋于增强。创新驱动水平差异度显著高于产业发展、环境治理,是长江经济带纺织业绿色发展均衡的主要制约因素。


    Abstract: The Yangtze River Economic Belt (YEB) contributes more than half of China's textile GDP. As a typically livelihood-related industry and a key sector for environmental protection, the textile industry's pursuit of green development holds significant practical importance. We constructed a green development evaluation system for the textile industry, including three dimensions: industrial development, innovation drive, and environmental governance. Based on this, the principal component analysis-TOPSIS method was adopted to quantify the green development level of the textile industry in the YEB and its provinces (municipalities) from 2012 to 2021. We also utilized the Dagum Gini coefficient decomposition method to measure spatial differences, analyze their sources, and identify spatial and temporal distribution characteristics. The results showed that from the view of chronological change, the textile industry's average level of green development in the YEB exhibited a three-stage change characteristic of "rise-stability-rise". The Green Textile Industry Index increased from 0.425 to 0.681. From the view of regional differences, the green development level of the textile industry in the YEB differed significantly, and the overall difference between provinces (municipalities) first fluctuated and then decreased during the measurement period. Hubei had the best comprehensive performance, while Yunnan and Guizhou lagged behind the rest of the area. The level of green development in the Yangtze River Delta region and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River was higher than that in the pan-Chengdu-Chongqing region. The inter-regional difference was the main source of overall difference, and its impact on overall difference tended to intensify. The difference in the innovation drive level was higher than those of other dimensions, which was the main constraint to the balanced green development of the textile industry in the YEB.


