
Technical and practical exploration of noise environment zoning control

  • 摘要: 开展声环境分区管控技术框架研究,探索构建声环境分区管控技术方法,对噪声源头预防管理、实施分区域差异化精准管控具有重要作用。按照问题识别—目标设定—分区划分—清单制定的技术思路,综合考虑用地性质、空间布局和噪声影响,划定优先保护区、重点管控区和一般管控区。通过对海口市开展实证研究并进行应用效果分析,表明声环境分区管控有助于保障城市声环境质量,促进声环境管理差异化、精准化,提升噪声控制的源头预防水平。此外,从推动试点应用完善技术体系、提升管控基础加强能力建设、加强部门合作与公众宣传等方面提出工作建议。


    Abstract: Conducting research on the technical framework for noise environment zoning control and exploring the technical methods for noise environment zoning control play an important role in noise source prevention management and implementing differentiated and precise control across different regions. Priority protection areas, key control areas, and general control areas were delineated, following the technical approach of "problem identification, goal setting, zoning division, list development", and comprehensively considering land use characteristics, spatial layout, and noise impact. Through empirical research and application effect analysis in Haikou City, it was demonstrated that noise environment zoning control was conducive to ensuring the quality of the urban noise environment, promoting the differentiation and precision of noise environment management, and enhancing the level of source prevention in noise control. Some work suggestions were proposed, including promoting pilot demonstrations to improve the technical system, enhancing capacity to improve the foundation of control, and strengthening interdepartmental cooperation and public awareness.


