
Oxidative Degradation of Simulated Amantadine by the Fenton Processes and the Intermediates Analysis

  • 摘要: 采用Fenton试剂氧化法处理模拟金刚烷胺废水,研究不同反应条件下Fenton试剂对金刚烷胺的去除效果,确定反应的最佳条件。结果表明:当反应温度为常温(23~25 ℃),pH为4,H2O2投加量为3 000 mg/L,H2O2与Fe2+的质量比为1.28时,处理含金刚烷胺浓度为500 mg/L废水,CODCr去除率为30%~80%,处理效果良好。因此,Fenton试剂可以有效降解金刚烷胺。通过Fenton反应,金刚烷胺废水的可生化性得到提高,B/C由0提高到0.1~0.4。对Fenton氧化金刚烷胺的中间产物的分析发现,Fenton反应氧化5 min后,反应体系中没有检出金刚烷胺。反应30 min后,中间产物已基本完全降解。


    Abstract: The oxidative degradation of amantadine by Fenton reagents was investigated to study the removal efficiency under different conditions to determine the optimum conditions. The results showed that when the amantadine at concentration of 500 mg/L was oxidized by Fenton reaction, the CODCr removal rate was around 30%-80% with good treatment effect. The ratio of BOD5 to CODCr increased from zero to around 0.1-0.4. The optimal conditions obtained were as follows: pH was 4-5, reaction time was 15 min, H2O2 was 3 000 mg/L and the mass ratio of H2O2 to Fe2+ was around 1.28. The intermediates analysis of amantadine oxidized by Fenton reagents showed that there was no amantadine detected in the reaction system after 5 min of reaction. After 30 min of reaction, almost all the intermediates were degraded completely.


