Based on previous water pollution control planning and studies, three trans-boundary rivers of Shenzhen were taken as typical examples to study river water pollution control by industrial restructuring and population control, increasing sewage collection and treatment rates, and adopting a series of measures such as stream-flow regulation, sewage recovery, stream-flow supplement in dry-season, wetland construction for polluted water purification, mainstream canalization and biological and ecological water treatment technology, to satisfy the requirements for their designated function as drinking water sources and the water quality goals of the cross-border sections. QUAL-Ⅱ river model was applied to simulate the river water quality for demonstration and optimization of these measures, so as to further improve the previously planned water pollution control schemes. The results indicated that water quality and storm water utilization goals could be achieved at the cross-border sections by means of enhancing the interception and treatment rate of sewage to above 90%, canalizing the mainstream to form detention ponds, increasing stream flow in dry-season, and reusing all the effluent from sewage treatment plants or discharging the effluent into the rivers after deep treatment to comply with the Class Ⅲ standard of GB 3838-2002. By these measures, both constraints of water resource deficit and water pollution could be simultaneously relieved for Shenzhen.