
Research on Hazardous Waste Exemption Management at Home and Abroad

  • 摘要: 危险废物管理是固体废物管理的重点,危险废物的豁免管理制度是降低危险废物总体环境风险的有效手段。研究了国内外危险废物豁免管理制度,结果表明,美国的危险废物豁免管理体系较为完善。美国的危险废物豁免管理类型分为类别排除、小量产生者有条件豁免、低风险豁免、混合和衍生条件下的豁免及废物产生源个体豁免等五种类型;欧盟也有危险废物豁免管理,但在技术体系上还远达不到完善的程度;我国危险废物豁免管理制度尚未形成体系。建议借鉴发达国家危险废物豁免管理的经验,开展我国的危险废物豁免管理理论与实践研究,建立我国危险废物豁免管理体系。


    Abstract: Hazardous waste management is especially important for solid waste management, in which the hazardous waste exemption management system is an effective method to reduce environmental risk of hazardous waste. The hazardous waste exemption management systems at home and abroad were investigated. The results show that the hazardous waste exemption management system in the United States is relatively completed, in which hazardous wastes exemption management can be divided into five types, i.e. categories excluding, conditional exemption for small generating sources, exemption for the low environmental risk, exemption under mixed and derived conditions, and exemption for individual waste generating sources. In Europe, the hazardous waste exemption management is far behind the mature system like the United States both on the techniques and mechanisms. In China, the architecture of hazardous waste exemption management system has not been formed. It was suggested that lessons should be drawn from hazardous wastes exemption management experience in developed countries, so as to study the hazardous waste management theories and practices, and to establish the hazardous waste exemption management system in China.


