
Discuss on Establishment Process of Environmental Technology Management System in China

  • 摘要: 2007年发布的《国家环境技术管理体系建设规划》成为我国重视环境技术管理工作的重要标志。通过技术管理提高技术在环境保护工作中的作用,实现技术与法律、经济和行政等在环境保护中发挥同等重要作用的目标。目前,技术指导文件基本覆盖包括农村生活、畜禽养殖、城镇污水处理厂污泥及火电、钢铁等行业和领域,环境技术评估体系和示范推广体系也在不断建设过程中。到“十二五”末,将初步完成系统的环境技术管理体系建设工作。


    Abstract: The National Environmental Technology Management System Establishment Plan announced in 2007 became a significant symbol for environmental technology management work. The role of technology in the environmental protection had been enhanced by technology management, achieving the goal of the technology playing the same important role as legal, economic and administrative instruments. At present, the technical guideline documents had covered the industries and areas including rural residential pollutant treatment, poultry raising pollutant treatment, municipal wastewater sludge treatment, thermal powers, and iron and steel industries, etc. The environmental technology evaluation system and demonstration of dissemination system were under construction. It was projected that the environmental technology management system would be primarily established by the end of the Twelfth Five-Year Period.


