
Organics Removal by Oxidation and Flocculation during Fenton Treatment for Polymeric Wastewater in Dry-spun Acrylic Fiber Production

  • 摘要: 采用Fenton法预处理干法腈纶聚合废水,考察H2O2投加量、Fe2+投加量及pH对Fenton反应过程中氧化和絮凝作用去除废水有机物的影响。结果表明,在H2O2投加量为90 mmol/L,Fe2+投加量为30 mmol/L,初始pH为3.0的条件下,反应120 min后调节pH至6.0进行絮凝,废水中TOC总去除率可达55.6%,Fenton氧化和絮凝作用可实现较好的有机物去除效果。Fenton氧化后将pH调至8.0,有利于絮体的沉降,在实际应用中更加合理。三维荧光光谱(EEM)和荧光区域积分(FRI)发现,Fenton反应能够去除废水中大部分类蛋白易降解有机物,氧化作用对废水中类富里酸有机物的去除作用较小,该类物质主要通过絮凝作用去除。


    Abstract: Fenton method was used for the pretreatment of polymeric wastewater in dry-spun acrylic fiber production. The effects of H2O2 dosage, Fe2+ dosage, and pH on organics removal were evaluated during the oxidation and flocculation process. The results showed that the total TOC removal efficiency could reach 55.6%, and both oxidation and flocculation processes could achieve high organics removal, when operated under the conditions of H2O2 dosage 90.0 mmol/L, Fe2+ dosage 30.0 mmol/L, initial pH 3.0, reaction time 120 min and flocculation pH 6.0. The sedimentation of flocs could be advanced in practical application when the flocculation pH was 8.0. Excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy and fluorescence regional integration revealed that most of the protein-like degradable organics were removed during the Fenton process, and the oxidation could hardly remove the fulvic-like organics, which were mainly removed by the flocculation process.


