
Performance of Dynamic Membrane Bioreactor for Corn Starch Processing Wastewater Treatment

  • 摘要: 应用动态膜原理,以0.105 mm孔径的工业滤布和钢丝网代替固定膜组件构成一体式动态膜生物反应器(DMBR)处理玉米深加工废水。结果表明,工业滤布和钢丝网基材的膜组件动态膜完全形成后,可以将水中绝大多数悬浮物截留下来;工业滤布膜组件可以在更短时间内(30~60 min)完全生成动态膜并达到良好的过滤效果。采用大通量启动、小通量运行的恒流操作方式,出水平均浊度低于1.5 NTU,SS未检出。当水力停留时间为22 h,MLSS浓度为5 g/L时,出水CODCr平均为34.5 mg/L,去除率达93.1%;出水NH4+-N平均浓度为5.2 mg/L,去除率达94.8%。


    Abstract: The dynamic membrane forming on the surface of 0.105 mm industrial filter cloth and steel mesh was utilized to replace the static membrane, so as to develop a submerged dynamic membrane bioreactor (DMBR) for corn starch processing wastewater treatment. The results showed that after forming of dynamic membrane on the two substrate membranes, most of the suspended solids could be held back completely. Furthermore, dynamic membrane was generated faster (in 30-60 min) on filter cloth and achieved better filtering efficiency. With the constant-flow operation mode of starting with high flux and running with low flux, the effluent turbidity was below 1.5 NTU on average, and SS not checked out. When HRT was 22 h, MLSS was 5 g/L, the removal efficiency of CODCr and NH4+-N reached 93.1% and 94.8% respectively, and the effluent average concentrations were 34.5 and 5.2 mg/L, respectively.


