
Occurrence and Pollution Sources of Toxic and Hazardous Substances in Liaohe Basin

  • 摘要: 有毒有害物包括无机污染物和有机污染物,这些污染物将会对人类健康造成短期或长期的危害,同时对水环境造成严重污染。介绍了水体中污染物的种类,详述了辽河流域受到多环芳烃类、有机氯农药、多氯联苯及其他有毒有害物的污染情况。通过典型有毒有害物来源的初步分析,进一步明确了辽河流域具有工业源、城镇市政污水排放及农业面源混合型污染特征。为了进一步制定有效的有毒有害物污染防治决策,依据辽河流域有毒有害物的污染和研究现状,提出了目前存在的问题及进一步的研究建议。


    Abstract: The toxic and hazardous substances (THSs), classified as inorganic and organic chemicals, can cause short- and long-term public health problems and serious environmental pollution. The species of pollutants in the water body were introduced, and the occurrence of PAHs, OCPs, PCBs and other toxic substances in Liaohe Basin was reviewed. The primary analysis of pollution sources of the typical THSs indicated that Liaohe Basin had the mixed pollution characteristics of industrial pollution sources, municipal wastewaters and agricultural nonpoint sources. Based upon the current THSs pollution and the research status, the main problems and some suggestions for further study were proposed, so as to establish an efficient strategy for prevention and control of THSs in Liaohe Basin.


