
Analysis of Management Mechanism of Waste Gas Volume Reduction and Its Supporting Advanced Control Technologies

  • 摘要: 分析了国内外废气量减排及配套深度控制技术的管理现状,在此基础上,探讨通过法律法规与政策管理手段,并结合具体的废气量减排管理措施,构建符合我国国情的废气量减排及配套深度控制技术的管理机制。从环境法律、法规与标准、废气量排放许可及交易制度、经济激励机制、行业技术导则与规范、技术支持机制方面制定我国废气量减排及配套深度控制技术的法律法规与政策管理手段;结合我国能源结构现状,分别从能源消费结构、动力单元、生产单元、生活单元、结构减排管理方面制定可操作的废气量减排管理措施。在探讨废气量减排管理机制的同时,对我国废气量减排产生的环境效益进行初步估计分析。


    Abstract: The current management status of waste gas volume reduction and its supporting advanced control technologies both at home and abroad was analyzed. According to China’s actual situations, the management mechanism of waste gas volume reduction and its supporting advanced control technology was proposed, which was built up by means of legal policy management instruments as well as specific management measures. The legal policy management instruments were established on the bases of environmental laws, regulations and standards, emission permit and trading system of waste gas volume, economic incentive mechanism, industry technical guidelines and specifications and technical support mechanism. The specific management measures were established on the bases of energy consumption construction, power unit, production unit, living unit and emission reduction by structural adjustment, considering the energy consumption structure of China. Also, the environmental benefits of waste gas volume reduction were estimated primarily.


