Global warming has become increasingly worse mainly due to the release of greenhouse gases. Since land?lls are the largest sources of anthropogenic CH
4 emissions, the basic research on the mitigation of landfill CH
4 emissions is of great significance. The research progress of methane oxidation, the status of waste treatment and the influential factors of landfill methane release were summarized. It is shown that aerobic oxidation of landfill CH
4 has been extensively explored and the principles of sulphate-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation (SAMO) and nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation (DAMO) should be further studied. Landfill CH
4 generation and emission was influenced by garbage composition, moisture content, temperature and pH, etc. The main research direction on landfill CH
4 in the future will be to control the influential factors and to utilize the economical feasible strategies of carbon emission reduction.