
Engineering System Construction of Pollution Source Control in the Basins

  • 摘要: 传统的污染源治理往往只注重点源,而在面源及湖泊内源污染治理方面明显存在不足,亟需转变思路与方法,统筹考虑全流域污染源的治理。因此,以流域整体为控制单元,提出科学构建系统的、立体的、多级别的“管、治”并重的流域污染源治理工程体系,并有效涵盖“源头(点源、面源)、途径(地表径流、河道)、末端(湖泊内源与内负荷)”的全过程污染治理及控制,为流域水环境综合整治提供思路。


    Abstract: The traditional methodology for pollution control usually only focuses on the point source pollution, while ignores the non-point source pollution and endogenous pollution in lake. It is necessary to change the ideas and methods urgently, and consider all kinds of pollution sources in the whole basin. Taking the whole basin as the control unit, a systemic, three dimensional and multi-level pollution control system for a basin was built up scientifically. This system pays attention both to “management” and “treatment”, which effectively covers pollution control in the whole process of the pollution sources (point and non-point sources), pollution pathways (surface runoff and river) and terminal pollution (lake endogenesis and internal load). This novel methodology should provide scientific reference for the present comprehensive control of basin water pollution.


