
Feasibility Study on Roof Rainfall Power Generation for Elevators Energy Saving

  • 摘要: 屋顶降水发电与电梯供能系统是利用高层建筑物收集储存降水进行发电供楼宇使用的自然能源回收利用系统。该系统利用上蓄水池蓄水提供的势能发电,并可利用轿厢下移带动水泵提水,使下蓄水池储水抬升至上蓄水池,从而节省能量的损耗,降低电梯的运行费用。通过理论分析计算推导出该系统的通用节能效率,结合实际案例,根据实际系统运行的节能效率,论证了该装置的可行性,及该装置的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。


    Abstract: The roof rainfall power generation and lift energy supply system is a natural energy recycling system that utilizes high buildings to collect and store the rainwater for power generation as building energy. The system uses the potential energy provided by the water in the upper pool to generate power, and takes advantage of the liftcar down-movement to drive the pumps and thus to lift the water. The water storage will rise up to the upper pool from the pool below, thus saving energy consumption and reducing the operating costs of elevators. Through theoretical analysis, the general energy-saving efficiency of this system was derived and, according to the actual system efficiency in case studies, the feasibility of the equipment as well as its economic, social and ecological benefits was demonstrated.


