In order to study the pollution characteristics of HNO
3 and HNO
2 in ambient air of Beijing City, the experiments for determining the optimal concentrations of annular denuders coatings were performed, and application study carried out in Beijing in the autumn of 2014. The results showed that when the concentration of Na
3 coating solution was 2%, the removal rate of acid gases in the atmosphere reached over 90%. The concentrations of HNO
3 and HNO
2 in air sampled in downtown Beijing were determined by the optimization approach. The concentrations of HNO
3 and HNO
2 in the measurement period ranged from 0.77 to 3.23 μg/m
3 and from 1.12 to 5.51 μg/m
3, with an average value of 2.33 μg/m
3 and 2.96 μg/m
3, respectively. HNO
2 concentration was higher than that of HNO
3 in the study area. The weak light during sampling might result in HNO
2 photolysis reduction. Also, because of the sampling point nearby trunk road, the homo- and heterogeneous reactions of NO
x from automobile exhaust may lead to a higher HNO
2 concentration. The highest concentration of HNO
3 occurred in haze day, followed by sunny day, while HNO
2 had the highest concentration in haze day, which was far more than that in sunny day.