
Dynamics of atmospheric ammonia concentrations over representative agricultural region in Beijing

  • 摘要: 2015年对不同季节北京市某农业区域大气环境氨浓度进行了监测分析,结果表明:养殖场和有机肥料厂为农业区域内最重要的氨排放源,其厂界下风向氨的最高浓度分别可达3.52和4.27 mg/m 3。农业区域内大气氨浓度季节性和昼夜变化明显,夏秋季节高,冬春季节低;午后高,夜间低。农业区域内日间大气氨浓度由高到低依次为有机肥料厂、养殖场、农田、道路、居住区、林地;夜间有机肥料厂和养殖场的大气氨浓度依旧较高,但影响范围显著降低,农田、居住区和道路附近大气氨浓度显著降低。农业区域内居住区周边大气氨浓度远低于GB 14554—93《恶臭污染物排放标准》,并不会对人体造成影响。


    Abstract: The spatial-temporal variability of ammonia in the atmosphere over representative agricultural region in Beijing during 2015 was monitored. The results showed that the livestock farm and fertilizer factory are both the most important ammonia sources in agricultural region, with the highest ammonia concentrations reaching 3.52 and 4.27 mg/m 3 at the downwind of the fence line, respectively. The ammonia concentrations at agricultural region presented significant difference between seasons as well as day and night, which were higher in summer and autumn, and lower in winter and spring, meanwhile higher at afternoon and lower at night. During the daytime, the ammonia concentrations present descending order at fertilizer factory, livestock farm, cropland, avenue, residential district, and forest land. At night, the ammonia concentrations were still high at fertilizer factory and livestock farm, but the affected scope was significantly reduced, while the ammonia concentrations obviously decreased at cropland, residential district, and avenue. The ammonia concentrations at residential district in the agricultural region were much lower than the Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants, and would not affect human health.


