
Study on carrier optimum filling ratio of two-stage MBBR for treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate from high-quality water reclamation of WWTP effluent

  • 摘要: 针对城市污水处理厂尾水生产高品质再生水过程中产生的反渗透浓水N H 4 + -N浓度高、盐度高等特点,采用亚硝化-反硝化二级移动床生物膜反应器(二级MBBR)中试装置进行深度脱氮,比较填料填充率(filling ratio,FR)分别为51%、42%和32%情况下,二级MBBR对N H 4 + -N、N O 3 - -N和CODCr等污染物的去除效果。结果表明:亚硝化MBBR中填料FR分别为51%、42%和32%时,N H 4 + -N平均去除率分别为67.0%±4.0%、71.3%±8.9%和73.2%±6.1%,FR优选32%;反硝化MBBR填料FR分别为51%、42%和32%时,N O 3 - -N平均去除率分别为73.1%±4.2%、63.7%±9.4%和64.9%±10.4%。考虑到经济性,优选填料FR为32%。


    Abstract: A pilot nitrosation-denitrification two-stage moving bed bio-film reactor (MBBR) was developed for the advanced nitrogen removal of high N H 4 + -N and salinity reverse osmosis concentrate, which was produced from the high-quality water reclamation of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent. The removal effect of N H 4 + -N, N O 3 - -N, CODCr and other pollutants was compared under carrier filling ratio (FR) of 51%, 42% and 32%, respectively. The results showed that the average N H 4 + -N removal rate was 67.0%±4.0%, 71.3%±8.9% and 73.2%±6.1%, when the FR was 51%, 42% and 32% in the nitrosation MBBR, and the optimal FR was 32%. In the denitrification MBBR, the average N O 3 - -N removal rate was 73.1%±4.2%, 63.7%±9.4% and 64.9%±10.4%, when the FR was 51%, 42% and 32% respectively. Taking account of economical availability, 32% was selected as the optimum FR.


