With the extensive construction and operation of urban sewage treatment plant, massive excess sludge has brought great pressure to the water industry and environmental protection. The safe disposal and resource utilization of sewage sludge have been the hot issues in the field of environmental protection. The preparation of sludge-based carbons from carbonizing excess sludge at high temperature is one of the important directions of sewage sludge recycling, safe disposal and environmental remediation. The main methods include direct carbonization, chemical activation, catalytic activation, and carbon source addition, etc. The characteristics of various preparation methods and the properties of the product were summarized firstly, and the adsorption performance of organic pollutants and heavy metals in aqueous phase and the adsorption mechanisms were analyzed. Then the main research directions of preparation of activated carbons from pyrolytic sludge were proposed. Finally the outlook of excess sewage pyrolysis disposal was given from the perspectives of energy recovery, special industrial sludge and waste resource utilization.