
Effects of substrates on growth of Ottelia acuminate in simulated low-pollution water

  • 摘要: 采用海菜花湿地中试装置研究砾石、砂土、红壤土、紫土及稻田土5种基质对海菜花种子萌发、幼苗生长、花茎产量和模拟低污染水水质的影响。结果表明:种植在红壤土和稻田土中的海菜花种子萌发率(74.25%和73.68%)高于砂土和紫土;从生长状况分析,稻田土和紫土比另外3种基质更有利于海菜花幼苗的生长;从花茎累计产量分析,5种基质中海菜花在紫土中的总开花数(22朵)、花茎数(32根/m 2)及花茎总质量(145.10 g)最高,花茎总质量其次为稻田土(117.60 g);从N、P的去除效果分析,5种基质条件下海菜花中试湿地对氨氮(NH_4^+-N)、硝氮(NO_3^--N)和总氮(TN)去除效果较好,红壤土对总磷(TP)去除效果较好,稻田土较差。


    Abstract: Five substrates, including gravel, sandy soil, red soil, purple soil and paddy soil, were used to study the effects of the substrates on Ottelia acuminate seed germination, seedling growth, yield and water quality of with the pilot scale test. The results showed that the rate of seed germination was 74.25% in the red soil and 73.68% in the paddy soil, respectively, which was high than that in sandy soil and purple soil. The growth conditions results showed that paddy soil and purple soil were more favorable to the growth of Ottelia acuminate seedlings than the three substrates. The cumulative results showed that the total number of flowering flowers in purple soil was 22, the number of stem was 32/m 2, and the weight of stem was 145.10 g. The total weight of the stems was followed by paddy soil (117.60 g). The removal results showed that under the five substrates the Ottelia acuminate economic wetland had good effect on NH_4^+-N、NO_3^--N and TN removal, while red soil had good effect on TP removal and paddy soil had poor effect.


