
Motor vehicles emission inventory at county level based on vehicle kilometers travel: a case study of Yanqing District of Beijing

  • 摘要: 调查统计北京市延庆区机动车类型、车流量、汽车里程、燃油类别等,运用COPERT模型计算了小客车、大客车、小货车、中货车、特大货车的CO、HC、NOx、PM排放因子。基于现场调查和卫星影片解译建立延庆区机动车行驶里程(VKT)数据库,应用ArcGIS建立机动车高分辨率排放清单,以实际车流量信息计算出VKT和对应的各污染物排放量。结果表明:CO、HC、NOx、PM的年排放量分别为1 995.49、478.84、2 466.06、156.65 t/a。小客车对CO和HC排放量的贡献率最大,分别为36%和72%;特大货车对NOx和PM排放量的贡献率最大,分别为54%和49%。污染物高排放量主要分布在城区,原因是城区路网密集,车流量较大。


    Abstract: Vehicle type, environmental condition, vehicle mileage and fuel type of motor vehicles in Yanqing District were surveyed and calculated. The COPERT model was used to compute the emission factors of CO, HC, NOx and PM for passenger cars, buses, small trucks, medium trucks and oversized trucks, respectively. Geographic information system was applied to establish high-resolution exhaust emissions inventory, based on vehicle driving range (VKT) database in Yanqing District obtained by field investigation and Google Earth satellite image. Then the vehicle kilometers travel data and the corresponding pollutants emission were calculated by actual traffic information. The results showed that the annual emission of CO, HC, NOx and PM was respectively 1 995.49, 478.84, 2 466.06 and 156.65 t/a. Specifically, passenger cars had a higher contribution to CO and HC, which accounted for 36% and 72%, while the oversized trucks had a higher contribution to NOx and PM, which accounted for 54% and 49%, respectively. High emissions were mainly distributed in the downtown area due to dense road network and larger traffic volume flow.


