
Research on energy optimization development countermeasures of Jincheng City

  • 摘要: 能源消耗与大气环境质量息息相关,研究京津冀及周边地区能源发展对策对大气污染治理具有重要意义。利用线性回归分析、对比分析等方法对晋城市能源发展现状及问题进行研究,结果表明:晋城市能源消费结构以煤炭为主,2017年煤炭消费量为1 176万t,占一次能源消费量的76.2%;2015—1017年煤炭消费量持续降低,2017年比2015年减少258万t,煤炭消费占比降低14.7个百分点;到2020年,煤炭消费占比将继续下降,但仍占主导,天然气消费占比大幅上升。晋城市能源消费总量持续增长但增速下降,能源消费强度较大但能效水平不断提升;从区域分布来看,泽州县能源消费总量和能源消费强度最高,节能潜力较大。化学原料及化学制品制造业,电力、热力的生产和供应业能源消费量占67%,且能源消费强度远远高于全国同行业平均水平。民用燃烧、电力、工业锅炉等能源相关重点源对大气污染物排放贡献较大。晋城市应重点从锅炉改造、清洁供热等能源工程措施,煤炭减量化、发展可再生能源等能源结构措施,能源环境经济政策、企业能效管理等能源管理措施对重点行业和重点地区加强节能减排改造,实现能源与环境的可持续发展。


    Abstract: Energy consumption is closely related to the quality of the atmospheric environmental quality. Energy development countermeasures in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and surrounding areas are of great significance for air pollution control. In order to improve the air quality of Jincheng City, the current situation and problems of energy development in the city were analyzed by unary linear regression analysis and comparative analysis. The results showed that the energy consumption structure of Jincheng City was dominated by coal, and the coal consumption in 2017 was 11.76 million tons, accounting for 76.2% of the primary energy consumption. However, the total coal consumption continued to decline. In 2017, the coal consumption decreased by 2.58 million tons compared with 2015, with its proportion in the primary energy consumption reduced by 14.7 percentage points. By 2020, the proportion of coal consumption would continue to decline, but it will still dominate, and the natural gas consumption would rise sharply. The total energy consumption of Jincheng City continued to increase but the growth rate declined; the energy consumption intensity was strong, but the energy efficiency level continued to increase. From the perspective of regional distribution, Zezhou County had the highest energy consumption and energy intensity, as well as a great potential for energy conservation. The proportion of energy consumption in chemical raw materials and chemical manufacturing, electricity-heat production and supply was 67%, and their energy intensities were much higher than that of the average values of the same industries in China. There was a large contribution to air pollutants coming from energy-related key sources such as civil combustion, electricity power, industrial boilers, etc. It was suggested that Jincheng City should strengthen energy conservation and pollutant emission reduction in key industries and essential areas by focusing on boiler transformation, energy engineering measures such as clean heating, coal reduction, energy structure measures such as development of renewable energy, energy and environmental economic policies, enterprise energy efficiency management, and other energy management measures to achieve sustainable development of local energy and environment.


