Effects of fully biodegradable mulch film on the yield of sugarbeet and soil physiochemical properties in Southern Xinjiang, China
摘要: 为研究全生物降解地膜对南疆农业生产中甜菜产量及土壤理化性质的影响,采用聚己二酸/对苯二甲酸丁二酯(PBAT)型聚酯全生物降解地膜(简称降解膜)为处理、普通聚乙烯(PE)地膜为对照,分析降解膜对甜菜试验区土壤温度、含水率、养分以及甜菜产量等的影响。结果显示:降解膜的破损率随甜菜生育进程表现为甜菜生长期(6—8月)较小(4.5%~12.8%),收获期(10月)显著增大(45.8%);降解膜处理的甜菜出苗率、生育进程、生物量(包括地下部分、地上部分及整株)、糖分含量及产量与PE地膜均无显著差异;甜菜生育期(6—10月),降解膜处理与PE地膜在膜下5、15和25 cm土壤的平均温度与含水率变化趋势基本一致,其中膜下5、15和25 cm土壤平均温度差异不显著,而土壤平均含水率均为降解膜处理小于PE地膜,其中15 cm处降解膜处理土壤的平均含水率显著小于PE地膜;甜菜生育期,降解膜处理和PE地膜的0~20和20~40 cm土壤速效氮、速效磷、速效钾和总盐浓度、土壤pH间差异均不显著 。Abstract: To study the effect of fully biodegradable mulch film on sugarbeet yield and soil physiochemical properties in southern Xinjiang agricultural production, poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) polyester-type fully biodegradable mulch film was used as the treatments and ordinary polyethylene (PE) mulch film as the control to analyze the effect of degradable mulch film on experimental zone soil temperature, moisture content, nutrients, sugarbeet production and so on. The results showed that with the growth process of sugarbeet, the degradation rate of biodegradable mulch film was smaller in June-August (4.5%-12.8%) and significantly increased in October (45.8%). There was no significant difference in the emergence rate, growth period, biomass (including underground, aboveground and whole plant), sugar and yield between the biodegradable mulch film and the control. During the growing period of sugarbeet (June-October), the change trend of average soil temperature and moisture content of degradation mulch film and the control under 5, 15 and 25 cm was basically consistent. There was no significant difference in the average soil temperature between the two treatments at 5, 15 and 25 cm, while the average soil moisture content was all lower than that of the control, and the average soil moisture content at 15 cm was significantly lower than that of the control. During the growing period of sugarbeet, there were no significant differences of biodegradable mulch film and the control in soil available nitrogen, phosphorus and kalium, soil total salt and soil pH between 0-20 and 20-40 cm soil layers.
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