Methodology study on the wetland restorability evaluation and its application in Binhai New Area, Tianjin City
摘要: 通过湿地可恢复性评价可获知湿地恢复的难易程度,为湿地修复的选址与实施提供理论支撑。基于湿地类型和生态要素数据,利用湿地类型丧失区和湿地要素受损区构建了受损湿地可恢复性评价方法,定量评价湿地受损区尺度的可恢复性;借助区域内地形条件、城镇化影响和生态重要性指标,利用源-汇理论和最小累积阻力模型构建了湿地所在区域可恢复性评价方法,定量评价区域尺度的湿地可恢复性;从湿地受损区和湿地所在区域2个尺度,构建湿地自然可恢复性评价方法,并对天津滨海新区湿地可恢复性进行评价和分析。结果表明:在湿地受损区尺度,滨海新区稳定湿地区面积为640.30 km 2,在整个恢复区面积中占比最大;其次是最难恢复区,面积为381.85 km 2,占比为22.15%;最难恢复区和较难恢复区面积约占整个恢复区的42.36%。在湿地所在区域尺度,滨海新区湿地可恢复性在中等和高等安全水平下,较易恢复区面积均为1 695.65 km 2,占比为82.02%,难恢复区面积分别为67.55和129.05 km 2,占比为3.27%和6.24%。Abstract: The wetland recoverability assessment could obtain the difficulty of wetland restoration, and provide important theoretical support for the site selection and implementation of wetland restoration. Based on the wetland types and ecological element data, the assessment method for the recoverability of damaged wetland was constructed by using wetland element damaged area and wetland type loss area, which could evaluate the recoverability of damaged wetland quantitatively. Based on the topographical conditions, urbanization effects and ecological importance indicators in the region, and using the source-sink theory and the minimum cumulative resistance model, a method to evaluate the regional recoverability of wetland was constructed, which were used to quantitatively evaluate the wetland natural recoverability at the regional scale. The evaluation methods of wetland natural recoverability were proposed at damaged wetland and regional scale. Furthermore, a case study was conducted in Binhai New Area, Tianjin city. The results showed that: (1) In damaged wetland scale, the area of stable wet area in Binhai New Area was 640.30 km 2, the largest proportion of the recovery area, followed by the most difficult recovery area, with an area of 381.85 km 2, accounting for 22.15%. The most difficult recovery area and the more difficult recovery area were accounted for 42.36% of the entire recovery area. (2) In regional scale, under the medium and high safety level, the area of the relatively easy recovery area of Binhai New Area was1 695.65 km 2, accounting for 82.02%. The area of low recovery area were 67.55 km 2 and 129.05 km 2, accounting for 3.27% and 6.24%, respectively.
Key words:
- wetland /
- remote sensing /
- restorability /
- evaluation /
- Tianjin Binhai New Area
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