Analysis of pollution load characteristics and control zones division of agricultural non-point sources in Beijing City
摘要: 运用清单分析法、等标负荷法、聚类分析和地理信息系统(GIS)软件等对北京市2016年农业面源的污染源、污染物及其空间分布特征进行分析。结果表明:北京市农业面源主要污染源为农村生活和畜禽养殖,农业面源污染管控中应加强对农村生活和畜禽养殖污染的控制;北京市农业面源污染呈较强的区域分异特征,水产养殖污染主要集中在平谷区,农村生活污染以房山区为最严重;房山、通州、顺义、昌平和大兴等区的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和化学需氧量(COD)等标污染指数均超过全市平均水平,其中房山区最高。通过农业面源污染风险空间聚类可将北京市划分为高度、中度和轻度风险区3个一级分区,进一步结合各区主要污染源类型可划分为8个二级分区,由此可对农业面源污染进行分类管控,并提出北京市农业面源污染的防治对策。Abstract: The methods of inventory analysis, equivalent load method, cluster analysis and geographic information system (GIS) technology were used to analyze the pollution sources, pollutants and their spatial distribution characteristics of agricultural non-point sources (NPS) in Beijing in 2016. The results showed that the main sources of agricultural NPS pollution in Beijing were mainly rural residents and livestock and poultry. It was suggested that the pollution control of rural residents and livestock and poultry in the future agricultural NPS pollution control should be strengthened. Agricultural NPS pollution showed strong regional differentiation characteristics, with aquaculture pollution being mainly concentrated in Pinggu District, and rural living pollution being the most serious in Fangshan District. TN, TP and COD pollution indexes in Fangshan, Tongzhou, Shunyi, Changping and Daxing Districts all exceeded the average level of the whole city, and Fangshan District was the highest. According to the spatial clustering analysis of agricultural NPS pollution risk, the whole Beijing could be divided into three primary zones: high, medium and light risk zones. In addition, based on the main types of pollution sources in each zone, it could be divided into 8 secondary sub-zones. Therefore, the agricultural NPS pollution could be classified and controlled, and the corresponding prevention and control countermeasures were proposed.
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