The bottleneck and countermeasures in the pollution control of livestock and poultry breeding in China
摘要: 近年来我国畜禽养殖规模化快速发展,畜禽养殖粪污资源化利用也取得明显成效,但依然有40%的粪污未能实现合理有效的利用。造成这种现状的瓶颈问题主要体现在:养殖布局不合理,种养规模不匹配,粪污资源化利用难度大;养殖污染防治有效的成套技术少,尤其是经济适用的技术少,许多技术存在成本过高或效率低下的问题。国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(简称水专项)针对畜禽养殖污染防治技术的重点和难点,研发了一批实用技术,针对部分区域特点,研发了养殖污染防治成套管理技术,一定程度上解决了从源头到资源化全循环中的问题,并形成10余项技术规范(指南),为我国畜禽养殖污染防治提供了较好的支撑。针对我国畜禽养殖规模基数大、分散养殖比例高、基础设施及管理机制薄弱等问题,提出通过法律制度和分类施策管控养殖污染,强化畜禽粪污高效收集转化与利用技术体系创建,推进标准化、规范化的种养结合技术模式研究,强化第三方社会化服务组织的培育及加强政策支持等对策建议。
- 种养结合 /
- 技术模式 /
- 分类施策管控 /
- 第三方社会化服务体系 /
- 畜禽养殖污染
Abstract: With the large-scale and rapid development of livestock and poultry breeding in China, significant achievements had been made in the utilization of fecal sewage resources, but 40 percent of fecal sewage had not been rationally and effectively utilized. The bottleneck problems causing the current situation mainly included: unreasonable distribution of breeding, mismatch of breeding scale, and great difficulty in the utilization of fecal sewage resources. In addition, there were few complete sets of effective technologies for the prevention and control of breeding sewage, especially those that were economically applicable, and many technologies were expensive or inefficient. Aiming at the key and difficult points for livestock and poultry breeding sewage control technology, the National Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (Major Water Program) had developed a batch of practical technologies. According to the characteristics of some regions, a set of management technologies for breeding pollution prevention and control was developed which, to some extent, could resolve the circulation issue from the source control to the resource utilization. More than 10 technical specifications (guidelines) were formulated and published, having provided a good support for livestock and poultry breeding pollution control in China. In view of the large scale base of livestock and poultry breeding in China, high proportion of scattered breeding, weak infrastructure and management mechanism, etc., some countermeasures and suggestions were put forward, including controlling the breeding pollution through legal system and classified measures, strengthening the establishment of high efficient collection, transformation and utilization technology system of livestock and poultry manure, promoting the study of standardized and normalized combination of planting and breeding technology mode, strengthening the cultivation of the third-party social service organizations, and enhancing policy support, etc. -
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