70 years’ governance process of Huaihe River and the prospect of the 14th Five-Year Plan period
摘要: 淮河是我国第一条开展全面系统治理的大河。通过分析新中国成立以来淮河流域的旱涝灾害、水体污染事件及治理和管理措施,将淮河的治理分为3个阶段:第一阶段(1949—1978年)旱涝灾害频繁,主要遵循“蓄泄兼筹”思路,进行抗旱防洪等水利工程建设;第二阶段(1979—2005年)水质严重恶化,以提升防洪标准和强力治理污染源为思路,进行旱涝灾害和水污染的共同治理;第三阶段(2006年至今)淮河被列入水专项重点示范流域,在控源减排、减负修复、综合调控思路指导下,开展水污染的系统治理。相比20世纪90年代,目前淮河水质明显改善,GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质占比降至12.2%,优良水质占比显著提升,但水污染形势仍然严峻,存在水环境污染压力大、水生态受损严重等问题。“十四五”期间应通过强化污染源系统治理、推进流域水生态完整性修复、提升流域调控管理能力等,持续推进淮河流域水污染治理。Abstract: The Huaihe River is China’s first large river to carry out comprehensive and systematic governance. The drought and flood disasters, the water pollution incidents and governance and management measures in the Huaihe River Basin since the founding of New China were combed and analyzed, and the governance process of the Huaihe River was divided into three stages. In the first stage (1949-1978), there were frequent droughts and floods, drought resistance and flood control and other water conservancy projects were carried out mainly following the “storage and drainage” strategy. In the second stage (1979-2005), the economy developed rapidly, the water quality deteriorated seriously, and with the idea of improving flood control standards and strong control of pollution sources, joint management of drought and flood disasters and water pollution was carried out. In the third stage (from 2006 to present), the Huaihe River was listed in the special treatment program by the state, and under the guidance of the ideas of source control, discharge reduction, reduction and rehabilitation, comprehensive regulation, the systematic governance of water pollution was carried out. Compared with 1990s, the water quality of the Huaihe River had been improved significantly. The proportion of Grade V and inferior Grade V water of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards (GB 3838-2002) had dropped to 12.2%, and the proportion of excellent and good water quality had increased significantly. However, the situation of water pollution was still serious, and there were many problems such as great pressure of water pollution and serious damage to water ecology. The Huaihe River still has a long way to go for governance. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, efforts should be made to continuously promote the water pollution control in Huaihe River Basin by strengthening the systematic treatment of pollution sources, promoting the restoration of the ecological integrity of the river basin, and improving the regulation and management capabilities of the river basin.
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