
Spatio-temporal distribution, influencing factors and control strategies of nitrogen of Nanhu Lake and its surrounding rivers

  • 摘要: 嘉兴南湖水体总氮(TN)浓度长期居高不下,影响着南湖总体水质情况和水体富营养化水平。根据历史调研资料及现场调查结果,分析了南湖及周边水体不同形态氮的时空分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,南湖水体TN浓度为3.81~4.99 mg/L,高值出现在入湖河道附近,水体TN浓度整体超过GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅴ类水质标准,且季节变化特征为冬季>春季>夏季>秋季;南湖周边水体TN浓度为1.39~8.82 mg/L,高值多出现在包括苏州塘、杭州塘、长纤塘以及新塍塘等的西、北部河道。南湖水体TN浓度显著高于我国长江中下游部分湖泊。南湖及周边水体氮的组成特征显示,溶解态氮占绝对优势。据此,应通过截污治污、入湖河道整治、湖区生态修复实现对南湖氮污染源头管控—过程拦截—湖体修复扩容的全程控制,达到降低水体氮浓度的目的。


    Abstract: The total nitrogen (TN) concentrations in the water of Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing City maintain a high level for a long time, affecting the overall water quality and eutrophication status of the lake. The spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of various nitrogen species in Nanhu Lake and the surrounding rivers were analyzed, and the influencing factors were discussed based on historical investigation data and field observation. The results showed that TN concentrations in Nanhu Lake were between 3.81 and 4.99 mg/L, with the high concentrations observed near the river entering the lake, and TN concentrations were higher than Ⅴ level of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water(GB 3838-2002). The seasonal change of TN concentrations decreased in an order of winter > spring > summer > autumn. TN concentrations in the surrounding river waters were between 1.39 and 8.82 mg/L, with the high concentrations appearing in the western and northern parts, especially including Suzhou Pond, Hangzhou Pond, Changxian Pond and Xincheng Pond. TN concentrations in Nanhu Lake water were significantly higher than those in some lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. The composition characteristics of nitrogen in Nanhu Lake and the surrounding waters showed that the dissolved nitrogen was the predominant species in the water. According to the results, the nitrogen contamination in Nanhu Lake should be controlled through the pollutant interception and abatement, remediation of the rivers into the lake, and ecological restoration in the lake area, in order to achieve the whole-processes control of source control - process to intercept - lake restoration and expansion for nitrogen pollution in Nanhu Lake, and to reduce nitrogen concentration in Nanhu Lake water.


