Treatment and ecological restoration of black and odorous water body in Yueya Lake in Nanjing City
摘要: 月牙湖是南京市主城区主要河道之一,整治前存在污染源治理不彻底、水质退化严重、水生态系统受损等问题,最终使水体变黑变臭。以消除黑臭、改善水质为目标,月牙湖整治采用雨污分流、内源治理、食藻类大型溞引导水生态系统构建、水下森林系列工程技术措施,实施了控源截污、底泥清淤与水生态系统修复等整治工程,并从精细化管理、信息化监督、强化公众参与等方面创新了管理机制。整治结果表明,月牙湖水质改善显著,水体氨氮、总磷、溶解氧浓度等主要指标可达到GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类标准,水体透明度增至1 m以上;湖体水生态系统得以恢复,呈现草型清水态,实现了排水畅通、水清岸绿、景观和谐。建议进一步加强系统运行维护与管理,落实长效管理机制,确保月牙湖水体“长制久清”。Abstract: Yueya Lake is one of main rivers in the main urban area of Nanjing City. Before the treatment, there were some problems, such as incomplete treatment of pollution sources, serious deterioration of water quality and damage of water ecosystem, which eventually made the water body black and stinky. To eliminate the black odor and improve the water quality, engineering and technical measures were implemented, including diversion of rainwater and sewage, endogenous treatment, construction of water ecosystem induced by Daphnia magna and “underwater forest”. The pollution source control, pollution interception, endogenous treatment and restoration of water ecosystem were carried out, and the management mechanisms were innovated, such as delicacy management, information supervision and strengthening public participation. The results showed that the water quality of Yueya Lake had been improved significantly with the main indicators such as ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen reaching Class Ⅳ standard of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standards (GB 3838-2002), and the water transparency increasing to more than 1 m. The water ecosystem of Yueya Lake had been restored, presenting a macrophytic lake, showing smooth drainage, clear water and green river bank and harmonious scene. To ensure water clean of Yueya Lake in the long period, the operation, maintenance and management of the system should be further strengthened, and the long-term management mechanism be implemented.
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