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解蕾 姚扬 但智钢 毕莹莹 董莉 钱玉

解蕾, 姚扬, 但智钢, 毕莹莹, 董莉, 钱玉. 基于物质流和能量流分析的典型工业园区循环经济发展评价[J]. 环境工程技术学报, 2021, 11(3): 609-616. doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20200209
引用本文: 解蕾, 姚扬, 但智钢, 毕莹莹, 董莉, 钱玉. 基于物质流和能量流分析的典型工业园区循环经济发展评价[J]. 环境工程技术学报, 2021, 11(3): 609-616. doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20200209
XIE Lei, YAO Yang, DAN Zhigang, BI Yingying, DONG Li, QIAN Yu. Evaluation of circular economy development in typical industrial parks based on material flow and energy flow analysis[J]. Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology, 2021, 11(3): 609-616. doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20200209
Citation: XIE Lei, YAO Yang, DAN Zhigang, BI Yingying, DONG Li, QIAN Yu. Evaluation of circular economy development in typical industrial parks based on material flow and energy flow analysis[J]. Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology, 2021, 11(3): 609-616. doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20200209


doi: 10.12153/j.issn.1674-991X.20200209



    姚扬 E-mail: yaoyang@craes.org.cn

Evaluation of circular economy development in typical industrial parks based on material flow and energy flow analysis

More Information
    Corresponding author: YAO Yang E-mail: yaoyang@craes.org.cn
  • 摘要: 将物质流和能量流分析方法运用在工业园区循环经济发展评价中,构建了工业园区循环经济发展评价指标,并以江阴高新技术产业开发区为研究对象,分析各产业的物质流和能量流情况,对园区循环经济进行初步评价,从而提出循环化改造有效路径。结果表明:园区能源产出率为3.02万元/t(以标准煤当量计),水资源产出率为1 257元/m3,土地产出率为11.75亿元/km2,投入产出率较低;工业固体废物综合利用率为88.59%,资源能源综合利用率不高;循环经济产业链关联度为87.4%,但产业发展不均衡,污染集中防治水平有待提高。从优化产业结构、完善循环经济产业链、推进资源能源高效利用、推进环境综合整治4个方面提出研究区域的循环化改造有效路径,以提升园区经济、资源和环境效益。


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