
Life cycle assessment of photovoltaic module considering disposal stage

  • 摘要: 为判识光伏组件全生命周期环境影响,采用生命周期评价法对光伏组件的生产、使用、处置等阶段环境影响进行分析。通过现场和问卷调研的方式获得了光伏组件生产、使用阶段的能源物质消耗和污染物排放数据,通过回收工艺研发与应用获得了光伏组件处置阶段的能源物质投入、产出和污染物排放数据。依据不同的处置技术设计了填埋情景、拆解情景、热解情景,从而分别计算生产、使用、处置等阶段环境影响潜值并进行对比分析。结果表明:1)每m2光伏组件生产阶段和使用阶段环境影响潜值分别为13.98、1.50 Pt,处置阶段3种情景的环境影响潜值分别为0.04、-0.62、-3.59 Pt,因此3种情景下光伏组件全生命周期环境影响潜值分别为15.52、14.86、11.89 Pt。2)从环境影响类别来看,主要集中在呼吸系统损害、致癌和气候变化3个方面,从影响因素来看,电耗是主要因素,3种情景下占全生命周期环境影响的64.81%、67.70%、84.61%。3)从光伏发电的度电环境影响潜值水平来看,3种情景下光伏发电单位发电量环境影响潜值分别为3.34×10-3、3.20×10-3、2.56×10-3 Pt/(kW·h),占当前电力结构下单位发电量环境影响潜值〔70.1×10-3 Pt/(kW·h)〕的4.8%、4.6%、3.7%。4)从碳排放水平来看,3种情景下光伏组件单位发电量碳排放量分别是35.68、33.53、23.70 g/(kW·h)(CO2当量值),低于同类研究和我国电力行业水平。5)我国早期安装的光伏组件已接近报废周期,因此,大力发展光伏组件回收技术,不仅可以实现资源的回收,还可以降低光伏组件全生命周期环境影响,减少碳排放,从而实现能源环境双赢。


    Abstract: To analyze the environmental impacts of whole life cycle of photovoltaic module, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was conducted to analyze the environmental impacts of photovoltaic module whose life-cycle stages included manufacture, mounting and disposal. The energy, mass inputs and the environment emissions data of manufacture and mounting stages were obtained through field and questionnaire survey, while the data of energy, material input, output and pollutant emission in the disposal stage were obtained by development and application of specific recovery technology. To calculate the environmental impact potentials of manufacture, mounting and disposal stage, the landfill, disassembly and pyrolysis scenario were set up according to different disposal technologies. The results were compared and analyzed. It showed that: 1) The environmental impact potential of manufacture and mounting stages was 13.98 and 1.50 Pt, respectively, for 1 m2 photovoltaic module, that of disposal stage under three scenarios was 0.04, -0.62, -3.59 Pt, respectively, and thus that of the whole life cycle was 15.52, 14.86, 11.89 Pt, respectively for the three scenarios. 2) From the viewpoint of environmental impact categories, the whole life cycle environmental impacts focused on respiratory system damage, carcinogenic and climate change. From the viewpoint of factors, power consumption was the main factor, accounting for 64.81%, 67.70% and 84.61%, respectively, under the three scenarios. 3) The environmental impact potential of 1 kW·h of electricity generation from photovoltaic module under the three scenarios was 3.34×10-3, 3.20×10-3, 2.56×10-3 Pt/(kW·h), respectively, which was equivalent to 4.8%, 4.6%, 3.7%, respectively, of that from the current electrical power system (70.1×10-3 Pt/(kW·h)). 4) From the perspective of carbon emission level, the carbon emission of 1 kW·h of electricity generation from photovoltaic module was 35.68, 33.53, 23.70 g CO2-eqv/(kW·h), respectively, which was lower than the level of similar studies and China’s electrical power industry. 5) The photovoltaic modules of China installed in the early years were nearing the disposal stage. The vigorous development of the recovery technology could not only achieve resources recovery, but also reduce the environmental impact and carbon emissions of the whole life cycle of photovoltaic modules, thus achieving a win-win situation between environment and energy.


