Accounting of ecosystem services value of broad beach river: taking the main stream of Liaohe River as an example
摘要: 为解决线状河流生态系统服务价值核算长期停留在均一性核算,难以体现空间差异性的问题,整合高精度遥感数据和常规数据,区分源于河槽、滩地和河流整体3种空间的生态系统服务类型,梳理GIS平台运算的方法和参数,构建了宽滩型河流生态系统服务价值空间核算成套方法,并应用于辽河干流。结果表明:2013年辽河干流生态系统服务总价值为537.39亿元,其中洪水调蓄服务占比最高(46.99%),其次是气候调节服务(29.22%);不同土地利用类型单位面积生态系统服务价值存在差异,河槽和坑塘较高,旱地、灌木林、有林地、草地、滩涂和水田较低且数值接近;2013年辽河干流生态系统服务总价值比2009年增长了101.63亿元;辽河干流流经的铁岭、沈阳、鞍山和盘锦4个市中,单位面积生态系统服务价值和生态系统服务总价值均以辽河口的盘锦市为最高。Abstract: In order to solve the problem that the linear river ecosystem services value accounting should be based on the uniformity accounting for a long time, which is difficult to reflect the spatial differences, high-precision remote sensing data and conventional data were integrated to distinguish the ecosystem services types from three kinds of space, namely channel, floodplain and the river as a whole, the calculation methods and parameters of GIS platform were combed, a set of spatial accounting methods for broad beach river ecosystem services value was constructed, and it was applied in the case of the main stream of Liaohe River (MSLR). The results showed that in 2013, the total value of ecosystem services in the MSLR was 53.739 billion yuan, of which flood regulation and climate regulation accounted for 46.99% and 29.22%, respectively. The values of ecosystem services per unit area of different land use types were different, with higher values of river channel and pit and pond, and lower values of dry land, shrub, woodland, grassland, tidal flat and paddy field, being close to each other. The total value of ecosystem services in the MSLR in 2013 increased by 10.163 billion yuan compared with that in 2009; among the 4 cities (Tieling, Shenyang, Anshan and Panjin) that the MSLR flowed through, Panjin City in Liaohe River estuary had highest ecosystem services per unit area and the highest total value of ecosystem services.
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