Forecasting CODMn of Poyang Lake based on empirical wavelet transform
高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)是衡量水质状况的最重要参数之一,能反映水体受还原性物质污染的程度。结合经验小波变换(EWT)和双向长短期记忆(BLSTM)神经网络,提出了一种先利用EWT将原始的CODMn时间序列分解成若干成分,然后利用BLSTM神经网络对分解出来的每个成分进行预测,最后将所有成分的预测结果重建获得最终CODMn预测值的新的混合模型EWT-BLSTM;并以2017年8月—2020年4月鄱阳湖CODMn监测数据为研究对象,进行模型性能验证。结果表明:EWT-BLSTM模型具有良好的预测性能,预测未来1 d以后的CODMn时,EWT-BLSTM模型的平均绝对百分比误差为2.25%,与单一BLSTM神经网络模型相比降低了10.53%;预测未来7 d以后的CODMn时,EWT-BLSTM模型的平均绝对百分比误差为8.36%,与单一BLSTM神经网络模型相比降低了16.16%。在CODMn峰值处,该模型依然保持较高稳定的预测性能,说明在数据相对复杂、极端的情况下,该模型依然适用。
- 水质预测 /
- CODMn /
- 经验小波变换(EWT) /
- 双向长短期记忆(BLSTM) /
- 机器学习 /
- 数学模拟 /
- 鄱阳湖
Abstract:Permanganate index (CODMn) is one of the most important parameters to measure water quality and could reflect the degree of water pollution by reducing substances. A novel CODMn forecast model (EWT-BLSTM) by combining empirical wavelet transform (EWT) and bidirectional long short-term memory (BLSTM) neural network was proposed. First, the original CODMn time series was decomposed into several components by EWT. Next, BLSTM neural network was employed to predict each decomposed component. Finally, the predictions of all components were reconstructed to obtain the new hybrid model EWT-BLSTM for the final CODMn predictions. CODMn data of Poyang Lake was used to evaluate the proposed forecast model. The results showed that EWT-BLSTM model had a powerful forecast capacity. For 1, 7-day ahead forecasting, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the forecast by EWT-BLSTM was 2.25% and 8.36%, respectively. The MAPE reduced by EWT-BLSTM over BLSTM was 10.53% for 1-day ahead forecasting and 16.16% for 7-day ahead forecasting. Furthermore, the proposed model showed highly stable forecasting performance for CODMn peak points, indicating that the proposed method was still applicable in the case of relatively complex data with extreme points.
表 1 参与比较的模型的结构
Table 1. Structure of the competitor models
Table 2. Sample entropy calculation of ICEEMDAN modes
成分类型 样本熵 原始数据 0.85 MODE1 0.81 MODE2 0.72 MODE3 0.57 MODE4 0.45 MODE5 0.19 MODE6 0.09 MODE7 0.04 MODE8 0.00 表 3 CODMn时间序列以分解成分的预测模型的时间滞后值
Table 3. Time lags of the prediction model of the decomposition components of CODMn time series
成分类型 1 d以后预测 7 d以后预测 MODE1 47 41 MODE2 52 46 MODE3 49 43 MODE4 36 30 MODE5 54 48 MODE6 41 35 MODE7 54 48 MODE8 56 50 表 4 BLSTM神经网络的超参数
Table 4. Hyperparameters of BLSTM neural network
参数 数值 BLSTM层数 2 第一层的神经元数 输入大小×2 第二层的神经元数 输入大小 最小批量大小 16 学习率 0.01 最大迭代次数 100 表 5 测试阶段EWT-BLSTM模型的预测性能
Table 5. Forecast performance of EWT-BLSTM model in the testing stage
预测类型 MAE/(mg/L) RMSE/(mg/L) MAPE/% 1 d以后预测 0.05 0.07 2.25 7 d以后预测 0.20 0.32 8.36 表 6 各模型的预测性能比较
Table 6. Comparison of the prediction performance of different models
模型 1 d以后预测 7 d以后预测 MAE
/%BLSTM 0.32 0.62 12.78 0.60 0.87 24.52 WD-BLSTM 0.17 0.35 6.77 0.28 0.46 11.72 EMD-BLSTM 0.19 0.23 9.33 0.34 0.52 14.70 EWT-SVR 0.30 0.5 12.49 0.49 0.67 23.75 EWT-ELM 0.23 0.36 9.79 0.29 0.49 11.69 EWT-LSTM 0.05 0.08 2.34 0.25 0.35 11.42 EWT-BLSTM 0.05 0.07 2.25 0.20 0.32 8.36 -
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