Case study on water ecological regulation of black and odorous water in typical urban sections of the Yangtze River Basin
摘要: 童套河、西沙河是长江流域有代表性的河网型河道水体,也是扬州市中心城区典型的黑臭水体。分析并阐述了童套河、西沙河主要水环境问题、治理措施、典型治理技术以及治理成效。治理前河道水体存在两岸污水收集能力不足、生活垃圾任意堆放,河道内水体流动性差、底泥淤积严重、水生态系统退化等问题,水质表现为黑臭,扬州市采取了控源截污、内源清理,水动力复氧、生态修复、活水换水、长效管理的治理思路,主要实施包括管网雨污分流改造,河道清淤疏浚,增设水循环造流增氧设备,构建生态河床、生态岸坡,活水换水等技术措施,取得了良好的环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。Abstract: The Tongtao River and Xisha River were the typical black and odorous water bodies in the center of Yangzhou City, and the typical river network water bodies in the Yangtze River Basin. The main water environment problems, treatment measures, typical treatment techniques and treatment effects of the Tongtao River and Xisha River were analyzed and expounded. The Tongtao River and Xisha River were identified as black and odorous water bodies before treatment, due to insufficient sewage collection capacity, poor fluidity of water body, random stacking of household garbage, serious sediment deposition, degradation of water ecosystem and so on.In order to solve these problems, Yangzhou City proposed the governance strategies of source pollution control, pollution interception, internal source treatment, hydrodynamic reoxygenation, ecological restoration, fresh water supply and circulation and long-term management. The main measures included diversion of rainwater and sewage pipelines, silt dredging, setting up water circulation equipment, constructing ecological riverbed and bank, and fresh water supply and circulation, etc. Good environmental, economic and social effects had been achieved after restoration of the Tongtao River and Xisha River.
Key words:
- Yangtze River Basin /
- black and odorous water /
- water ecological /
- restoration
表 1 童套河、西沙河水质监测数据
Table 1. Water quality monitoring data of Tongtao River and Xisha River
水体 点位 氨氮浓度/(mg/L) 溶解氧浓度/(mg/L) 氧化还原电位/mV 总磷浓度/(mg/L) COD/(mg/L) 水体透明度/cm 童套河 1 1.71 1.65 48 0.46 34.6 36 2 3.22 1.84 40 0.35 21.5 80 3 6.31 1.84 31 1.04 65.4 26 4 8.68 1.96 32 1.02 56.3 28 5 4.97 1.53 43 0.90 38.9 53 6 8.69 1.34 42 0.69 171.7 37 西沙河 1 5.56 1.80 −3 0.81 223.9 15 2 4.82 1.11 11 2.15 580.5 20 3 3.49 1.91 36 0.17 263.1 24 -
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